We'll Be Alright

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It only took Avi about ten minutes for him to find Scott. He knew the baritone wouldn't be in his room with Mitch, so then came the task of searching around the hotel. He first checked the bar as he assumed Scott would be drowning his sorrows in alcohol but surprisingly the blonde wasn't to be found there. After a few more places, it was only the open field left, where all the little kids played ball games on the grass. 

Scott was sitting on a bench - still not wearing a shirt - and watching two little boys play a mini soccer match against each other with a small, sad smile playing on his lips. Avi wasn't sure how he was supposed to approach Scott, would he run away once he saw the bearded man strolling towards him? There was only one way for Avi to find out...

From the corner of his eye, Scott could see another person walking towards him but didn't think much of it and assumed it was just someone wanting to share the bench. However, when he turned his head fully in the direction of the stranger, he quickly realised it was actually Avi, and immediately stood up to run away away from his problems again.

"Scott please!" Avi yelled and picked up his pace of walking just in case Scott would unexpectedly sprint away from him. "I'm not going to yell at you, I promise," he said, holding up his hands in surrender. "I just want to talk."

Scott blinked a couple of times before wearily making his way back to the crusty, wooden bench he was sitting upon earlier. Avi joined him and sat down with a sigh and a creak coming from the bench. "Like I said, I'm not here to fight. I just want to know why you did it..."

Scott looked down at his hands, staring at them until his tattoos became blurry. He didn't even have a proper excuse for behaviour. He supposed it was all the adrenaline running through him at the moment because not for one moment in his life did he have romantic feelings for Avi. Yes, Avi was very attractive, anyone with eyes could see that, but he never had the urge to kiss him or the want to date him. 

"I don't really know the reason myself, to be honest. Although, I think it may have to do with the fact that I saw Mitch with another guy before I ran to your room and kissed you..."

It all made sense to Avi now but at the same time, it didn't. "It still doesn't really explain why you kissed me though."

"I guess I was just lonely? I don't know. All I know is that I wasn't thinking straight."

Avi nodded and clasped his strangely large hands together. "I'm really fucking sorry for yelling at-"

Scott held up one hand which made Avi hush up and listen to whatever he had to say. "Don't you even dare apologise, you have nothing to be sorry for. I'm the one who kissed you for goodness sake! You! A straight man!" He shrieked and threw up his hands, causing the children on the field to look at the scene Scott was causing. He couldn't blame them... it was a strange sight. A shirtless blonde with no eyebrows sitting on a bench being consoled by a wannabe lumberjack. Scott narrowed his piercing blue eyes at them and almost immediately they shifted their attention back to their game. 

"Hey," Avi said in his normal, gentle manner, rubbing his thumb across Scott's red knee - the poor guy got sunburned so easily. Scott already felt himself easing up a bit at Avi's voice. It was like sweet honey and could make anyone calm in an instant, he just had that magic about him. 

"I completely understand that you were very emotional at that time and you weren't thinking straight. It happens to all of us! Trust me, I regret everything I said to Kirstie that night, but I was just in so much shock that I let my mouth run."

Avi halted his speech when he heard a small sob escape his friend's mouth. He didn't even realise the usually cheerful one of the group was crying next to him this whole time, he was so worried about what he was saying. Without even giving it a second thought, Avi scooted closer to Scott and allowed the taller man to rest his head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Avi," he said, although his words were difficult to decipher because they were so shaky and quiet. "I'm just so confused with how I'm feeling with Mitch and Alex, and then I kissed you and I thought I ruined the best friendship I've ever had..."

Was it possible for you to feel your heart physically break? Because that's what Avi felt in that exact moment. He pulled Scott off of him softly and clear green orbs met ocean eyes. "Remember when you said to me earlier today that even if I drove over someone you would still be there for me?"

Scott snorted and then chuckled slightly, "Yeah, I remember."

"Well, that's exactly how I feel about you. Was I caught off guard that you kissed me?" Avi shrugged. "Yeah, of course I was. But I shouldn't have reacted that badly and for that I deeply apologise. I love you so much, Scott. I would never want to lose you as a friend."

This caused Scott to finally crack a genuine smile through his tears and he suddenly engulfed his older, wiser friend into a bear hug, almost knocking the beanie off his head. "What would I do without you?" He whispered, mostly to himself.

"That's something I ask myself everyday."

The pair smiled at each other until Avi's expression turned serious for a minute which made Scott slightly worry. "But on a bit of a serious note, you really need to sort out what you're feeling for Mitch," he said and Scott gulped. He knew he was absolutely correct, but the thought of confessing what he had been fearing this whole time, scared him. "I know I'm the last to talk about sorting out feelings but I don't feel like more unexpected kisses."

Scott tried to hold it in, but he couldn't contain his chuckles. That was another thing he adored about Avi. Even if it felt like the world was weighing down on him, and the last thing he wanted to do was laugh, Avi would somehow find a way to at least make him smile, which would eventually turn into laughter. He truly had a gem of a best friend.

"No promises there, hey," he winked playfully and Avi slapped his bare chest. 

"No homo, but I love you, man."

"Very much homo, but platonic homo, I love you more."

i love scavi so much brUUuH i could write about them all day

kavi who

JOKES i will stay loyal to my otp

speaking of kavi there may or may not be some fluff in the next chapter O.o

also my keyboard is wack and the spacebar is playing up so if there's lots of typos i'm sorry lol

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