Deny You

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"Are you fucking kidding me? Are you seriously accusing me of cheating because I didn't answer two text messages?" Scott screamed angrily into his phone. Mitch was about to enter their hotel room when he heard the loud noise coming from inside and decided not to. "You know you can be friends with people who have dicks and not always hop on them, right?" Mitch chuckled quietly to himself at Scott's roast to who he assumed was Alex on the other end. "You know what? I'm going to go and enjoy my time in Vegas with my friends, I don't have time for your shit. Goodbye, Alex."

So it was Alex on the phone, the piece of shit. Well, I mean, who else would accuse Scott of cheating?

Mitch decided to use this time to enter their room and wasn't surprised to see Scott sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. "You okay there?" Mitch asked gently with a small smile on his face, slowly approaching his friend. Scott was completely unaware that Mitch had just heard everything, so he plastered on a smile and pretended like everything was fine.

"Yeah, just thinking about some things, nothing important." It hurt Mitch a little knowing that Scott didn't want to open up to him but he was sure he would mention it sometime later. "Can we go out tonight? I just feel like doing something, just the two of us."

"Oh, umm, yeah that's fine with me," Mitch stumbled as a blush found its way on his face; he wasn't even sure why he was blushing. "I think there's a karaoke night happening at the bar now, do you want to go?" 

"Sure, I'm just going to go the bathroom quickly." Mitch smiled at him as he walked by and had to mentally slap himself out of the slight trance he was in. What was wrong with him? Why was he like this all of a sudden?

The sound of Scott's ringtone brought him out of his thoughts and he quickly glanced at the screen to check who was calling. 


A scowl formed on Mitch's face and his blood was boiling just by looking at Alex's name. He couldn't hear what Alex was saying to Scott but he was sure it was horrible things and Scott didn't deserve that at all. He allowed the phone to ring until it stopped but once he saw Scott's phone flash and vibrate again he couldn't hold his tongue any longer.

"What the fuck do you want, Alex?"

"Mitch? Well, just in case you forgot, I'm Scott's husband," Alex retorted. 

"Yeah, a husband who has been treating his husband like shit," the small boy growled like an animal into his friend's phone. "I hope you realise how lucky you are to have a sweetheart like Scott as a partner, you should never take that for granted."

"The way you're defending Scott sounds like a jealous boyfriend which makes me think he really is cheating on me." Mitch was never the type of guy to resort to violence but right now he wanted nothing more than to throttle Alex. 

"Listen up, Alex," Mitch hissed. "If you don't trust Scott then I'm sorry for you that you're so damn insecure. I hope you have a terrible night." He puffed after hanging up the phone like he had just ran a race; talking to Alex was that draining.

"I'm done!" Scott sang cheerfully as he walked out the bathroom; he already looked much happier. Mitch was just glad Scott wasn't there for the whole show that just happened with Alex, he wasn't sure how Scott would react. "Are you ready to go?"

"I'm ready."


"If I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you. I'm a boss, you a worker bitch, I make bloody moves." Scott and Mitch practically screamed the lyrics to Cardi B's popular song, hurting the ears of the small audience they had. Everyone at the bar was over the age of forty and probably had no clue they were actually Grammy award winning singers, despite their horrible screeching. Well, that's what alcohol did to you. 

Scott almost tripped over his own feet as he stumbled off the small stage. "Barman! Get me another shot please!" He called from afar which made Mitch slightly concerned. Sure, Mitch was maybe a bit tipsy but he was nowhere near as drunk as Scott was - which was slightly odd seeing as he was quite a lightweight. Scott liked to shove his feelings aside and that's exactly what he was doing because of his dumb husband being insecure. 

"Hey Scotty, I think you might want to take it easy. This is your fifth shot in about an hour," Mitch said gently while rubbing his taller friend's back.

"I'm fine," he hiccuped. "You need to loosen up, baby, we're in Vegas!" Mitch was quite startled by Scott's sudden pet name for him, but didn't think much of it because of the alcohol running through his system. "Actually, I want to go back to the room, it's boring here. Can we go back, baby?" 

"Umm, yeah, sure we can," Mitch gave a small smile and helped a clumsy Scott to their room. 

It was hard work, practically carrying a six foot giant down many long hallways, but they made it eventually. "Do you want to dance? I want to dance," Scott announced and already whipped out his phone to play some tunes for the two of them. He put his music on shuffle and the first song to play coincidentally was their very own song, Hurry Up! 

"All these other boys, they're just not enough. So talk to me, come to me, hurry up," they sang in perfect harmony together. 

"Hey baby, I've never been in love. But I wanna be, I wanna be, so hurry up," Mitch sang while Scott riffed along, his sparkling blue eyes piercing into Mitch's heart. It felt like every word coming out of Scott's mouth was directed at him, inevitably making him turn red.

He could see Scott was leaning in closer and he could feel his heart beating like a drum with confusion. Should he stop him? The man was married and he was currently drunk so he wasn't exactly thinking straight. However, it was too late to decide when Scott's soft lips met his own and the rest of the world disappeared. The kiss was slow and full of love but increasingly grew to be more passionate.

Mitch tried but he couldn't deny Scott, he was truly irresistible. 

hi, long time no see! yes i know it's been a while and i'm truly sorry for that. i honestly thought about giving up on this book completely but i read hannah's new one shot and i honestly wanted to throw my phone against the wall it was SO GOOD AND MADE ME CRY AND GAVE ME ALL THE FEELS and it reminded me how i miss when i used to get comments on my story and how happy they made me :') so thank you hannah for inspiring me! anyways here i am with this trashy chapter, more to come #soon!!

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