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"She's pregnant?"

"Could you be any louder?" Avi hissed to Scott as they were on a morning jog around the city. He wasn't really the running type of guy but Scott always said he did it when he needed to clear his mind, and Avi's mind was in desperate need of clearing.

"I doubt anyone is even listening to our conversation. And even if they are, they'll have no clue who we're talking about because I didn't say her name," Scott retorted, making a fair point.

"You're right... I'm sorry about that," the bass sighed miserably and stopped running for a second, clutching his knees as he panted heavily. "It's just... this whole entire trip has been both physically and emotionally draining. I was already so confused about my feelings for Kirstie and now she drops the bomb that she's pregnant... it's all happening so quickly and I don't know how to handle it."

Scott was about to reply but Avi opened his mouth to speak again, so he stayed quiet and listened to his friend's problems.

"Not to mention that I was a total dick to her when she told me the news."

"What did you say to her?"

Avi was quiet for a few seconds while he contemplated telling Scott what actually came out of his mouth. Would Scott judge him? Surely he would understand that Avi was in shock, and that he didn't actually mean what he had said... 

"I told her to get rid of the baby, basically," he muttered quietly under his breath.

Scott stared at his friend in disbelief, blinking rapidly before screaming, "YOU DID WHAT NOW?" He didn't hold back in his volume this time and his tone made some people turn their head towards the scene.

"Avi, that's not like you at all. You love children," Scott said more softly, sounding quite heartbroken and disappointed.

"I know! He cried out, feeling frustrated, while his big hands tugged at the roots of his hair that was loosely tied in a top knot. "What I don't know is why I said that... I guess I was I just in shock. I regret all of it though, every single word."

Scott was in shock himself. First hearing that his best friend was the father to his other best friend's baby was shocking enough; then hearing that Avi didn't want the baby was the cherry on top. His mouth opened and closed which was quite a strange sight. Scott had no clue what to say in this situation; was there even anything that he could say?

"I don't expect you to say anything about this, by the way," Avi added on as if he could read Scott's mind. "I know this is a sticky situation for you as it involves me and Kirstie. Just know that you listening and being here for me means the world."

The blonde broke out into a smile that reached his cheeks and pulled the smaller man into hug. "I'm always here for you, Avi, night or day. Even if you ran over someone with your car, I'll always be here for you."

"Hey," Avi said as the pulled apart, causing Scott to look at him in wonder to what he was about to say. "No homo, but I love you so much."

Scott burst into laughter and grabbed Avi's face to give him a sloppy, wet kiss on the cheek. "Very much homo, I love you more."


Scott walked into his hotel room with a towel wrapped around his neck, feeling hot and sweaty after his run with Avi. But the second he heard quiet, muffled giggling coming from the bathroom, his blood went completely cold. He could easily recognise one of the voices as Mitch - he'd heard that same laugh for the last sixteen years. The other one was unfamiliar but clearly belonged to a male. 

As Scott wearily stepped more into the room, he realised that the sound was coming from the bathroom and felt a dull pain start to ache in his chest. He was too terrified to open the door so he decided to just step away and pretend like he didn't hear anything. Scott stripped off his sweaty tank top just as a loud moan escaped Mitch's mouth and Scott felt like he was about to throw up. 

Why was he like this? He absolutely despised himself for feeling this way. Of course Mitch would hook up with someone, he was young and very much single. Plus, Alex apologised profusely for his behaviour and him and Scott were on good terms again, as a married couple should be.

So why did it hurt him so much?

Just in that moment, Mitch and this mystery man exited the bathroom laughing like two teenagers, both of them having bruises all over their shirtless forms. Mitch immediately stopped laughing though when he saw his best friend and ex standing there, mouth parted and cheeks flushed. 

"Babe? Who's this?" The stranger asked Mitch, eyeing Scott suspiciously. 

"That's Scott, baby. He's my best friend."

"Oh, yes! You've told me about him before. Hi, I'm Beau," the stranger - now known as Beau - stuck out his hand for Scott to take, which is reluctantly did. 

"Nice to meet you, Beau," Scott said through a fake smile. "I would love to stay longer and get to know you, but I'm meeting Avi for a drink."

"Wait, but your shirt-"

The door slammed before Mitch could even finish his sentence.

Scott tried to blink the tears that were welling in his eyes away but they managed to escape and ran down his cheeks. He felt like he just walked in on his boyfriend cheating on him...

Except he was married.

And Mitch wasn't his boyfriend.

He ran down the hallway until he reached Avi's room and knocked until he thought his knuckles would break. A few seconds of knocking later and Avi finally answered the door, still wearing his damp garments from the run that took place only a few minutes ago. "Scott?" Avi asked confused when he saw the baritone standing there with a red face and tear stains. "Is everything-"

And then Scott was kissing Avi. And it wasn't wonderful and gave him a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach like when he kissed Mitch. Avi's lips were hard and tense against his own soft ones, and his hands were roughly grabbing Avi's cheeks. 

It only took a few seconds for reality to kick in and make Avi push Scott away. "What the fuck?" he shrieked, scrubbing his mouth with the back of hand. "Are you insane?"

"I-I..." Scott mumbled quietly over and over again, too startled to say anything. Adrenaline was rushing throughout him and he thought he was going have a heart attack of all the events that were occurring one after the other. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

And then he was running again.

oops i guess

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