Fucked And Fucked Up

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The bright light peeking through the curtains almost blinded Scott fully as he started to slowly wake up from his sleepy state. He felt a bit confused and dazed as there was a small, warm body draped over him, giving off gentle snores. He knew it wasn't Alex - Alex snored like a pig and weighed twice the amount of this stranger. 

When the unidentified person rolled over in their sleep, Scott finally caught a glimpse of their face and suddenly felt sick to his stomach. There was no way... they couldn't have... Mitch wouldn't have...

Scott almost screamed when he pulled back the white sheets and saw his naked form. He screwed his eyes shut, so tightly it almost hurt, and prayed that when he opened them that he would wake up from this bad dream. When he opened his blue eyes and saw his best friend still laying on his stomach, also naked, he really did feel sick then and jumped out of bed in order to empty out his guts. 

A million and one thoughts raced through his head which made him even more nauseous. Would he ever tell Alex? He couldn't bare the though of losing his husband. Even if he did get on his nerves sometimes, they still loved each other and worked through most of their problems. Scott wasn't sure if this was something Alex would forgive him for.

When he was done hovering over the toilet, he crept back into the bedroom and glanced over at his sleeping friend. What would he say to Mitch when he woke up? Scott tried hard to think back to the previous night, but it was all just a fuzzy memory somewhere in the back of his brain. Would Mitch be angry at him? No, he had no reason to be; it took two people to have sex, after all, this was not his fault.

"Scotty?" A sweet, angelic voice brought Scott back down on earth and he was forced to face the reality that he had just cheated on his husband with his best friend. Scott peered up at Mitch, who had a bad case of bed head, and followed Mitch's eyes to where they were travelling downwards. Only then did Scott realise he was yet to slip on his boxers again, causing his cheeks to turn a prominent pink. It wasn't like they hadn't seen each other bare before... it had just been a while.

"Uhh, I'm sorry about that," Scott murmured as he struggled to put his plaid boxers back on, almost falling face first onto the ground while jumping about. Once he finally managed to put on his underwear, he sat on the edge of the messy bed and said quietly, "We should probably talk about what happened." 

"What is there to say, Scott?" Mitch said just as quietly - brown eyes flashing emotions that Scott struggled decipher - almost as if he was scared someone would hear their conversation. "We slept with each other, it's as simple as that."

The blonde boy was starting to grow frustrated but tried not to let it show too much. "It may be simple to you, you're not in a serious relationship. You didn't cheat on your husband." Just saying that sentence out loud made it all too real to the point where Scott couldn't control his emotions anymore. With a loud grunt, he knocked a half-empy water bottle off the wooden bedside table. 

"Maybe it's for the better, babe. I mean, how many times have you complained about Alex before? He's no good for you, you deserve better." Mitch reached out in order run his fingers through Scott's mane of messy hair, but missed when the the taller male moved his head with a huff. 

"Do not call me babe," he said through gritted teeth. Mitch was surprised, he had never seen him this angry before.

"You had no problem calling me baby last night." Mitch felt his own fury build up inside his tiny body. Scott was practically acting like Mitch forced him to have sex with him!

"How do you even remember that I said that? Weren't you also drunk off your ass last night?" Scott asked, looking very suspiciously at Mitch who only stared at his hands, playing with the many rings on his fingers. "You... you weren't drunk?" 

Oh, well, he guessed he was at fault there.

"I guess I wasn't as drunk as you were... but I was tipsy!" 

Scott was shaking with rage, his knuckles were going white while his face went red. Mitch was terrified that Scott was going to beat the shit out of him. "You knew I was cheating on Alex, you knew what we were doing and you didn't stop it. You fucking took advantage of me!"

"Scott, please just listen to me and you might understand why I-" Mitch made an attempt to grab Scott's hand but Scott stood up from the bed and started to slowly back off. 

"No... don't touch me. I don't even know who you are anymore. You make me sick, Mitchell Grassi," he pointed at a whimpering Mitch. It was the last thing he said before backing up completely to the door, leaving the room only in his boxers. The loud noise made Mitch jump a bit and only seconds after Scott left did he break down in tears. 

I just fucked up the best friendship I've ever had. 

welp, poor mitchy :( also i just want to say I'm sorry if my scomiche chapters aren't as long or as good as my kavi ones. it's my first time writing scomiche so please forgive me, i'm still learning! nonetheless, i hope you enjoyed this chapter :) kavi coming up next!

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