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Kevin was bored. There was no other way to put it, he was simply bored out of his damn mind. It seemed like all of his friends had other plans, plans made without him. Scott and Mitch were apparently out at the bar for karaoke night, Esther was face timing Darien and nobody knew what Kirstie and Avi were up to these days. They seemed to be very secretive and much closer than usual but also so awkward around each other at the same time... it was extremely confusing but Kevin would get to the bottom of it eventually.

Normally he would practice his cello when he was bored but he had practised for almost three hours earlier and it was late at night, he didn't want to disturb the guests in the rooms next to them with his loud instrument. 

Eventually, Kevin decided that if he stayed any longer in his empty hotel room, simply staring at the ceiling, he would most likely go insane. Before leaving the room, he grabbed a jacket and the keys to the car they were renting while in Vegas. He wasn't sure where he was going to or how long he would be gone for, but he knew he just had to escape the hotel for a little while.

He drove quickly on the roads of Las Vegas, turning down every other street mindlessly while listening to whatever trash the radio was playing. Kevin wasn't exactly sure why but he felt frustrated - frustrated that his friends were excluding him out of their plans. 

Scott and Mitch... he could somewhat understand that because the two of them were practically glued by the hip, they did almost everything together, they were best friends since they were little boys. But Avi? Avi was supposed to be his best friend, his other brother and now he seemed to be hung up on Kirstie for some peculiar reason. 

No, Kevin had to settle this right now; otherwise it would stay in his mind and bother him. He parked the rental car in the parking lot of  a Taco Bell and took out his phone to call his bearded friend. The phone rang for what felt like hours until Avi finally decided to pick up. 

"Hello?" His voice came out croaky like a boy going through puberty or someone who had been screaming a lot.

"Hey, Avi!" Kevin greeted cheerfully, hiding all feelings of anger and frustration on the inside. "Um, where are you right now, brother? I'm bored out of my mind and I wanted to know if you were up to doing something with me." 

Kevin could hear muffled sounds of whispering on the other side of the line. Any suspicion that he had before was almost pretty much confirmed; it definitely sounded like a woman's voice and it was almost identical to Kirstie's voice. "As much I would love to, I'm actually not at the hotel right now and I'm not sure when I'll be back. Sorry, Kev, next time we can definitely do something together."

Anger flooded through Kevin's body like a raging river. That was already a lie itself since Kevin had taken the car out, Avi couldn't go far without a car. "Oh, that's fine," he said through gritted teeth with forced happiness in his voice. "Do you perhaps know where Kirstie is? Since you can't hang out with me and everyone else is busy doing their own thing, maybe she'll want to do something."

More whispers where shared between Avi and whoever else was with him. How deaf did they think he was? 

"I assume she must be with Esther but I'm not entirely sure. Why would I, of all people, know where Kirstie is?"

"Because you two have been awfully close these past few days and it's very strange! Just come out and admit it, are you two dating or something?" Kevin yelled into his phone, impatiently drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

Without missing a beat, Avi burst into a fit of deep chuckles, "Kevin, I think I'd rather date Scott than date Kirstie. Yes, I admit that we've been civil towards each other and that's because we both agreed that we should stop fighting so much for the benefit of this group. We wouldn't want Pentatonix to split up because of our silly fighting."

Kevin could practically smell the lies but he didn't push any further. "Okay, well that's good to hear, Avi. I'm going to figure out a way to entertain myself, bye," he ended the call abruptly, heaving heavily. 

Kevin felt the anger overtake him and not knowing what to do with himself, he angrily punched the window; not hard enough to smash it though, only to bruise his poor hand. He wasn't even exactly sure why he was so angry and upset, maybe he had just kept his emotions in for too long. Everyone - the fans, his friends, sometimes his own relatives - saw him as this teddy bear who could never hurt a fly. Truth was, as sweet as Kevin was, he was still human; he had emotions. He got angry sometimes, he got upset, he felt hurt. 

With negative feelings and thoughts clouding his mind, Kevin recklessly pulled out of the Taco Bell parking lot, driving straight into an unaware adult man. 

A scream of terror came out of the man's mouth before collapsing on the road due to the impact of the car knocking him. All of a sudden, lots of cars were honking and people were climbing out of their cars to view the scene. Kevin's breathing started to increase rapidly and he thought he was going to pass out in the car. He had never ever been in a situation like this, nor did he think he ever would be; he was such a careful driver. 

With a loud gulp, Kevin put his sweaty hands back on the steering wheel and sped off back to the hotel without blinking an eye.

yikes, kevin's in trouble :/ anyway, yay another update! i feel like i'm back into my groove (although i don't want to jinx it) so i'll hopefully update more often :)

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