Baby Talk

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Esther paced around her empty room like a maniac. After Scott left, all she could think about was Kirstie. Was she okay? What was the reason she was crying all the time? Kirstie was like her own daughter - since she was the mom of the group - and it hurt her to see her precious girl in so much pain. Esther stood still for a moment in order to gather her thoughts, nibbling on her bottom lip while doing so. 

She couldn't stand it any longer, the curiosity killed her inside. She grabbed her hotel key and phone and made her way to Kirstie and Mitch's room. The walk there felt like a lifetime, even though her room was directly next to theirs. 

"Kirstie?" She called her friend's name out gently, not wanting to sound too harsh. She seemed fragile at this moment in time. When Esther received no answer, she raised her hand to knock on the door but found that the door was already open, to her surprise. She peeked inside the room and found that no one was inside.

"Kirstie? Are you in here?" She called out again, stepping inside and looking around; as if Kirstie would pop out from behind the curtains or something of the sorts. 

"Well, I guess she's not in here," Esther muttered, feeling slightly disappointed that her friend wasn't present. She was about to turn around and exit the room again, she had no other reason for being there...

And that was when she heard the quiet sobs coming from behind the bathroom door.

The cries clearly belonged to Kirstie. Esther had heard every single member of Pentatonix cry before, she could easily pinpoint that it was Kirstie's sobs coming from the bathroom. She wasn't exactly sure if she should interfere, but it broke Esther to hear the usually happy girl cry so hard. 

Esther tiptoed into the spacious bathroom quietly and gasped to see Kirstie sitting there in the corner of the bathroom floor. Her head was held between her hands, her gasps coming in between her thick sobs. Lying next to her was a small, thermometer-looking object, a rectangular box also sprawled on the floor. 


The blonde looked up from her hands and was surprised to see the mom of the group standing by the door, a heartbroken expression written on her face. "Uhh, Esther, what are you doing here?" Kirstie's voice wobbled. 

"Oh my gosh, sweetie, what's wrong?" Esther asked, bending down to meet the younger girl's height. She took her friend's hands in her own and rubbed her thumbs over the back, something that both herself and her brother liked to do to comfort people. "You're shaking..."

Kirstie dropped her head and shook it over and over again. "If I told you, you would hate me."

"Kirstin Maldonado, even if you shot someone in the face I wouldn't hate you." This made Kirstie giggle slightly, but it wasn't enough for her to forget about all her problems. "Please tell me what's going on, I want to help you through whatever you're going through right now. Mitch tells me that you're always crying."

Kirstie gulped and peered into the kind, brown eyes of her friend. She knew she could always trust Esther with anything, Esther was just that kind of person. 

But Esther was also Avi's sister. 

"Es, I'm..." She would tell her, maybe just not the whole story. Maybe she would leave out the small detail of who the father was. "...I'm pregnant."

Even just letting those two words escape her mouth was difficult and it made it all so real for her. There was a baby growing inside of her. A fucking human being. A human being she created along with her band mate. 

Kirstie still didn't understand how she got pregnant so quickly - or how she got pregnant at all! She was almost positive that they used a condom. She also hadn't even experienced any pregnancy symptoms yet. The only reason she had a suspicion and took the test was because her period was late. 

Although, hearing the fact that her close friend was pregnant was very shocking and mind boggling to hear, Esther knew she had to remain calm in the moment. She knew that if she totally freaked out, it would freak Kirstie out, and that wouldn't be good for anyone. So she chose to just ask quietly, "Do you know who the father is?"

Kirstie was prepared. She expected that to be the first question asked. "I don't have a clue. It was a drunk hookup." 

Esther raised her eyebrow and gave a look as if to ask, 'Are you sure about that?' She could read Kirstie like a book, she knew how she behaved when she was telling a lie. It was one of the perks of practically working 24/7 with someone. 

She couldn't give in. She couldn't tell her. She would go running straight to Avi and mess things up even more. 

"It's Avi's!" She blurted out suddenly and then immediately covered her mouth with both of her hands. She couldn't believe that just came out of her mouth. What was she thinking? She clearly wasn't thinking, that was for sure.

That time, Esther couldn't remain calm; she couldn't pretend like everything was okay, that the fact that her friend was carrying her little brother's baby didn't matter to her. She actually stumbled back and landed on her butt on the cold, tiled floor. 

"Avi?" Esther asked and Kirstie nodded slowly. "As in my little brother, Avi?" She nodded again. "You're carrying my little brother's baby inside of you, your fellow band mate's child..." Esther's hands found their way into her hair and she tugged at the roots, feeling like her head would explode fairly soon. "You had sex with my brother, oh my soul."

"I'm sorry, it all happened so quickly," Kirstie croaked, her voice starting to shake again which was an indication that she was about to start crying again. "Please don't be mad at me, I can't lose another member of the Kaplan family because of my stupidity."

"I'm not mad at you, I'm just very shocked," Esther sighed. "Are you and Avi together now?"

"No... it's very complicated. But basically we aren't on speaking terms."

"Well, you need to tell him as soon as possible that you have his child growing inside of you."

"I know, but what if he doesn't want kids now? What if he doesn't want kids with me? I mean, who could blame him," she sniffled.

"Avi will love he or she unconditionally, that I can assure you of. Even if this wasn't planned, he will still make an effort to be apart of their lives," Esther beamed. "And you need to tell him as soon as possible that you're pregnant."

"But-but... I can't!"

"Either you do it, or I'll do it."

Kirstie grumbled, crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks like a little kid. "Yes, Mom..."

Esther smiled and clapped her hands, "Yay! You'll see, everything will work out just fine."

But how wrong Esther turned out to be.

oops it's 11pm so this is probably full of typos forgive me please

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