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 four years later

There's a loud, harsh knock at the door and I immediately knew who it was. Not only by the rough knocking, but the fact that were always late to functions like these.

"Excuse me for a second," I say to Esther and Darien and put down the glass of red wine I had in my hand. "I think that might actually be your brother." They nod their heads in understanding and decide to talk to my mother instead, who was baking cookies with Landon in the kitchen.

I try not to trip over the empty boxes and streams of ribbons on the floor as I make my way to open the door. Nicole stops me to compliment Mason and I on our Christmas tree decorating skills - it certainly has improved from last year - and I thank her for helping us with the colour coordinating tips.

Mason is my husband now. I met him while working out at the gym, feeling sorry for myself and the disaster that was my life at the time. It was shortly after Alex had filed for divorce papers and I was devastated when he told me the news, but not surprised at all. I definitely wouldn't stay with someone if they cheated on me with one of their best friends, who they also previously dated. I didn't blame the poor guy at all. 

Mitch and I don't talk anymore. Pentatonix doesn't exist and neither does Superfruit. The last I heard from him was about three years ago and he just called to tell me that he was getting married to the Beau fella. They seem to be living happy lives in England. I'm happy for him, truly I am, and I'm more than happy and thankful to have Mason in my life, but I would be lying if I said I didn't miss his friendship.

But even if we didn't end up together, romantically or platonic, I'm glad he was part of my life.

The knocking became louder and more consistent and then I definitely knew who it was on the other side of the door. "I'm coming, Kavi!" I yelled out, calling them by their iconic ship name.

When I swing the door open, the first thing Avi says to me is, "How did you know it was us?"

"You knock like your first is a damn hammer, Avi," I say to the man wrapped up in layers of clothing, holding his shivering wife's hand. "And you two always come late." I look at the couple in front of me and take in their appearance; the messy hair, the bright pink lips and flushed face. "Judging from how you look, I can imagine what took you so long," I smirk smugly.

"Shut up, Hoying," Kirstie rolls her eyes and lets herself in my home. "Let's not forget about that Snapchat I took of you and Mason after the party last year..."

It was my turn for my cheeks to turn red and I playfully smack her arm. "Hey, we were drunk!" 

Kirstie can't even reply to my statement because my parents are already embracing her and Avi in their warm hugs. Sometimes I think they love them more than they love me, honestly. I understood why they fussed over Kirstie, they've known her since we were in high school together.

When my parents first found out Avi and Kirstie were together, they gave him a bit of a hard time about it. They've always liked Avi while he was in Pentatonix, but dating is a whole different kettle of fish. They treated Kirstie like she was their child so it was no surprise. But quickly they fell for his charms and charisma and practically babied him. 

I left my parents to see to their favourite children and decided to check up on Mason, wherever he was. I found him watching over Landon in the kitchen, since my mother dropped everything to go chat to Kirstie and Avi.  

I watched my husband and my nephew bond as Mason helped Landon put the chocolate chip cookies in the husband, giving him a high five as they completed the task together. It was a sight that made my heart melt and put a smile on my face. What kind of monster wouldn't find it adorable? 

"Take a picture," Avi whispers in my ear, standing so close to me that I can feel his scruffy beard on my neck. "It will probably last longer."

"Don't act like you've never ogled Kirstie before," I scoff. 

"Fair enough."

My tone becomes slightly more serious as I turn towards my friend who I've hardly seen recently because of our extremely busy, extremely different schedules. "How are you, by the way?"

By the way I'm speaking and my facial expression, I think Avi can pick up at what I'm hinting. Around this time, about three years ago, Kevin unfortunately passed away from a heart attack in prison. Nobody saw it coming and we were all devastated by the news, especially Avi.  

"There's not a day that goes by where I don't think of him, Scott. But I've made peace with it, I know he's probably much happier up there."

I rub his shoulder before taking him into a hug. It was quite funny that Avi, a scary looking bass guy, was actually the biggest softy I knew. 

"He's smiling down at you, I just know it. Probably still laughing like a hyena too."


After having Christmas dinner all together, myself and Mason, Kirstie and Avi, my family, Mason's family and the rest of our friends, we all decided to relax by the fireplace as the day was very busy and eventful. 

Mason is falling asleep next to me and eventually his head drops onto my shoulder softly. Landon is asleep on my lap. Kirstie and Avi and are cuddling on the couch opposite me, looking so in love that it actually makes me want to vomit sometimes. Nonetheless, I still adore the both of them and I'm happy that they both found love with each other. It's insane to think how they couldn't even be in the same room together a few years ago. 

I'm still glancing over at them when Kirstie whispers something in his ear and he nods his quickly, grinning like a Cheshire cat. 

"Do you want to announce it or should I?" I hear Avi ask her. I almost burst because I was so curious to know what they were discussing. I didn't care who broke the news, I just wanted to know what it was!

Eventually, they both stood up from the comfy couch, their hands intertwined, and everyone turns to look at them. Avi clears his throat before saying, "We have something important we want to tell all of you..."

I bite my lip in anticipation and make direct eye contact with Avi, practically screaming at him with my body language. He chuckles slightly to himself and looks at him wife for confirmation to give the news, to which she nods and smiles. 

"Kirstie is pregnant!"

The whole room erupts with cheers of delight so loud that it wakes up both Mason and Landon. I gently take the small boy off of my lap in order to hug and congratulate my friends. I was so unbelievably happy for them, they were absolutely shattered after Kirstie had a miscarriage. It was a terrible event but I think the odds turned out in their favour. They weren't even together at that stage, they were both clueless at parenting... I think it's better that they're actually married now and having a baby.

All of us find ourselves in a group hug and it's so filled with love that I actually start to tear up. I can feel Mason's arm around my waist and Landon hugging my leg. I look around the room at my family and friends and feel so grateful to have all these wonderful people in my life. How did I end up so lucky?

It was all thanks to Vegas.

yikes this was so bad i'm sorry

i wasn't planning to end this book so abruptly but i didn't have the time and motivation to continue. i didn't want to leave the book uncompleted so i wrote an epilogue instead that basically sums up what i would've written about (kirstie's miscarriage, kevin's death, mitch leaving etc.)

so yeah, thanks for sticking with me through this shitty book that is actually my last one i'll write! way to leave on a bad note :/

uhh yeah this is my last book but i'm still going to be on wattpad :) and i'll still be writing one shots!!!

speaking of one shots, i'm doing this really cool, really cute one shot challenge for December so expect a one shot everyday :) if i don't forget lmaooo

thanks again for reading!!! :)

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