The Camping Holiday

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Legolas pulled his woolen sleeping bag from Arod's horse packs and lay it down on the dry forest floor, smoothing it out gracefully before sitting crossed legged on it.

His best friend, Aragorn, was starting a fire nearby. Legolas had always admired Aragorn's amazing hunting skills. The ability to make a fire from a few twigs and logs? Sure, the elf was a good shot and swordsman but he was hopeless really at camp skills.

"Legolas! Come, mellon nin! We need to start preparing our meal - could you find me some non-poisonous mushrooms?" Aragorn called, referring cheekily to an incident where Legolas had accidentally picked some poisonous mushrooms and nearly killed himself - the ranger had managed to stop him in time, thankfully.

The elf cracked a smile and nodded before turning and venturing in search of some mushrooms for a stew.

Behind him, unnoticed, Aragorn sighed. He had always felt strange whenever Legolas was around. Not in a bad way, just... his stomach went all fluttery and he felt lighter than air! He resolved to ask his foster father, Elrond, about it when he returned to Rivendell. At the moment, the party of two were camping in the forest by Lothlórien for a break from the hectic life in Minas Tirith.

"Found some!" Legolas' musical voice sang out from behind the ranger. In his slender hands he held a bunch of puffball mushrooms and his face was one of a child who had just been given chocolate. Aragorn couldn't help but chuckle at the elf's enthusiasm and childishness - especially as Legolas was usually the most serious of their party.

The mushrooms went in a soup with garlic and sorrel leaves and the pair ate hungrily until they were stuffed to the brim with warm, delicious broth before settling down for the night.

Aragorn lay next to Legolas, and, unlike the elf who had fallen asleep straight away, just gazed blissfully at the stars. Jut as he felt himself drifting into slumber, his companion murmured something that sounded like 'Aragorn'. The ranger knew that he should not pry and keep listening but his curiosity won and he concentrated, listening carefully to the elf's sleeping words.

Legolas was standing in a meadow full of brightly coloured flowers and long, luscious grass. A soft rustle from behind him made him turn round to see a dark haired man with grey eyes looking at him caringly and smiling slightly.

Legolas smiled back warmly at the human, inching slightly closer so they were in arm's reach of one another. In one swift movement Legolas was being held gently by the hands and brought closer to the other male.
"I love you" the man whispered lovingly, caressing the elf's cheek. "I love you too Aragorn" Legolas replied softly.

Next to the dreaming blonde, Aragorn felt his cheeks fire up as he properly comprehended what Legolas had just mumbled in his sleep.

Of course. That was this weird feeling he had been getting whenever he saw the elf. He was so blind not to have recognised it! The way his heart beat faster whenever they were together, the feeling that he could do anything when Legolas was with him, the way he would do anything for the elf; it all fitted.

But... how could he tell the elf what he had heard? What Legolas had confessed? And that he felt the same? What if Legolas' dream wasn't what he really felt? Aragorn sighed softly. He was (probably unrequitedly) in love with his best friend who may or may not feel the same.


Legolas woke up, feeling fully refreshed and rested. At the sight of Aragorn sleeping peacefully beside him his cheeks reddened suddenly as he remembered the perfect dream, praying that the ranger had not heard him mumbling in his sleep. He knew it was fruitless to even hope that Aragorn loved him back; the brown haired male had always made it very clear that they were friends and no more.

I love you (Aragorn x Legolas one shot/slash)Where stories live. Discover now