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Three days after their encounter Alex still couldn’t manage to get Luke off her mind. She had begun to resent him for his ability to invade her life so effectively in so little time. She found herself hoping that she’d run into him again randomly (but London was a big city and she knew bloody well that she almost had a better chance at winning the lottery).

She was glad that she could say that she hadn’t dreamed of him at any point, but the fact that she thought about him almost constantly was pitiful and embarrassing enough to compensate for that plus some. It was just so pathetic. She was pining over a guy who probably hadn’t spared her a second thought. As of that moment she decided that she was going to forget him, there was no reason for her to care, so she wouldn’t.

It was a fairly busy night at the bar which helped some; she was constantly rushing around to keep up with all the patrons so she barely had time to breathe let alone think. Friday nights were always pretty hectic; it was the end of the working week for a lot of people plus they had live music acts. The place was almost packed to capacity but they weren’t turning anyone away, in her time working there Alex had gotten really good at weaving in and out of groups of people which always came in helpful on nights like these. Their musical guest for tonight was a local two piece band and they were okay but they could barely be heard over the chatter of all the people crowded together in the small venue.

“What can I get you?” She asked some young girls after returning behind the bar.

The guys hadn’t been nearly as interested as Luke would have thought after he brought up Alex at band practice. There were a few polite questions and that was it, no one really seemed to care. It kind of made sense though; none of them thought it was really relevant. So what, Luke had met a girl. They all met heaps of girls. They spoke, who cares. Because Luke wouldn’t tell them the whole truth, he wasn’t ready to spill his secrets to everyone, it seemed to fall to the way side.

This irritated Luke a bit because he couldn’t stop thinking about her and he wanted to talk about her; but he just couldn’t, not with the guys. So as a result he became even more mopey than usual. After one more day of it the other boys were over it and decided that they all needed a night out to try and get Luke back to his normal self.

That was how the four of them had ended up at some bar, packed in with a million other people. The place wasn’t fancy, Luke noted, but it was nice. There was a relaxed atmosphere and he liked it (no matter how much Mikey and Cal complained that they’d rather be at a club instead).

When they walked through the door he could hear the sound of a live band, but they were only just louder than the conversations happening throughout the joint. They manoeuvred their way through people and eventually were able to nab a booth when another group left. Soon after, Ash and Mikey had disappeared to buy the first round and he was left alone with Calum.

“Cheer up mate.” The older boy said, clapping him on the back. “Is this still about that girl? She’s just one girl, there’ll be plenty more.”

Luke shook his head softly, tugging on his new lip ring with his teeth before speaking up. “She was something else, Cal.” He said softly.

“Bro, they’re all the same. They’re just girls.” He replied with a chuckle while the other two sat back down, placing drinks in front of them all.

“So maybe this place isn’t too bad.” Mikey laughed. “The girls behind the bar are hot as fuck.”

They started up some quiet small talk as they started on their drinks. Luke wasn’t too fussed with drinking. He was the youngest of the boys and thus had started at an earlier age, and because of that the novelty had seemed to wear off for him. He didn’t mind a drink but he wouldn’t go out of his way.

serenity // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now