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“I want you to meet the boys.” Luke told her later that morning.

They’d stayed on the windowsill long enough to watch the sunrise (which was so clichéd but it was still nice). After that Luke had pulled her back to the bed claiming that it was too early to be awake. Despite that, they hadn’t gone back to sleep; they hadn’t even spoken, they just stayed there enjoying the company of the other person. They would have been content to stay there all day, lying in each other’s arms.

Luke had made it his personal mission to memorise every detail about her because he knew this wouldn’t last long. Even if she did wait for him to come back and they could work it out, it didn’t change the fact that he was leaving in just under forty-eight hours. He wanted to take in everything he could before he might not get that chance again.

Alex was completely oblivious to Luke’s thoughts as she played around with his fingers and listened to his heartbeat. Her thoughts did mirror his though; she didn’t know what was going to happen next and that scared her a little bit, she liked to have a plan. For now she could ignore that though, while he was still there with his arms wrapped around her she could pretend that it was alright for just a little while longer.

“Really?” She asked moving so she could look at him.

He nodded. “Only if you want to, though. You don’t have to and I wouldn’t mind if you didn’t. It’s just, and this sounds crazy, but you mean a lot to me Alex and so do they.”

“I feel like you’re asking me to meet your parents.” Her laugh filled the room. “I’d like to though, meet the boys that is.”

“Alright then.” He pressed a soft kiss to her lips and then returned to his previous position with a smile. “We’ll go later though; I’m not ready to get up just yet.”

Alex nervously fidgeted with the bracelets on her wrist and unconsciously straightened her shirt yet again. Luke pulled her hands away and held them in his as they reached the front door of the house the boys were staying in.

“Can you please calm down?” He asked her with a smile. “I don’t even know why you’re nervous; honestly, they’re just a bunch of idiots.”

She smiled at that but it didn’t help to soothe the feeling in her stomach. “What if they don’t like me, Luke? This thing with us, it isn’t normal.”

“It doesn’t matter if they don’t like you, because I like you and that’s all that matters.” He placed his hands on either side of her face. “They’re going to love you though and I’m sure they’ll be able to deal with this being a little weird.”

She nodded and he pressed his lips to her forehead as the door swung open to reveal Ashton.

“What are you two doing out here? We’ve been waiting for you guys to come in but you’ve just been standing there.” He let out a loud laugh and Luke felt Alex relax next to him. “You must be the girl.”

“I guess I am.” She replied, sticking out her hand. “Alex White.”

He ignored her outstretched hand and pulled her into a hug. “Ashton Irwin, and I don’t do handshakes.”

Ash opened the door wider and ushered the two of them inside, leading them towards the front room where Calum and Michael were.

“Luke, mate where’d you get to last night? How’d your date go?” Michael fired questions at him before he was even fully in the room, not noticing the presence of Alex until he turned after his last comment.

“Mike.” Ashton scolded him when he saw the blush creep onto Alex’s cheeks.

“Fuck – shit. I’m sorry.” He stood up and apologised profusely as he walked over to the group.

serenity // luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now