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From: Alexandra White <alex_andra.white@gotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 2 October 2015
To: Luke Hemmings <lukehemmings@hmail.com>
Subject: They personally offended me with their lack of originality.


I probably shouldn't have laughed as hard as I did when I read the sentence 'ily no matter what babe' but I just couldn't help it. You would never say something like that in person. In fact, I tried to imagine it and I couldn't (in my head you ended up laughing and walking away in case you wanted to know).

Bex always was a little crazy, but in the best way. She was always doing these insane, reckless things back in high school. Like, one time, she climbed out of the library window and left in the middle of detention. She was always the kind of person I wished I could be but I just never had the guts. I'm with you though; I can't even entertain the notion of settling down in the next two years. I've got so much stuff still left to do.

Is that hard for you? Is it difficult to separate what is @Luke5SOS and what's my Luke (it's going to be referred to as that from now on, especially now that I know you're not opposed to it)? Is it even a conscious thing?

What made you decide that you wanted to share that side of yourself with me? You knew literally nothing about me, I was just some stranger who happened to be on the London Eye at the same time as you. For all you knew I could have been a fan who had followed you on there.

Instead you met my gaze and then you just came over and sat with me. I'm just kind of curious as to why? Why did you come and sit with me? Why did you tell me all the things you did? You say that you wanted me to know the real you, but why?

I'm just plain old Alex White. I'm nothing extraordinary. I'm just a girl who doesn't know what she's doing with her life, living in a city that only sort of feels like home and that's only because of a boy who isn't even there. I dye my hair too often and I drink too much coffee. I work in a bar but I don't drink and I can't smoke because I'm a hopeless asthmatic. I'm a background character in my own life. I get lost on purpose and I don't make any sort of sense, to myself or anyone else.

And I can't for the life of me figure out what you see in me.

I was mesmerised by you from the second you sat down beside me and for some reason the feeling was mutual but I just can't fathom why.

I'm sorry for the million and five questions I just want to understand.

I got an interview for art school. They called me the other day and said that I'd made it through to the second round of admissions. I've got to go down and speak to some big hot shot next week. I thought the anxiousness would subside a bit once I found out but I guess not. I'm still freaking out about the whole thing but I'm also kind of excited. This is actually happening; I might be going to art school, Luke.



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