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From: Alexandra White <alex_andra.white@gotmail.com>
Friday, 18 September 2015
To: Luke Hemmings <lukehemmings@hmail.com>
Subject: Did you really use song lyrics as a subject line?


I know what you mean with the greeting. Maybe it's so weird because, like you said, we're really just talking to ourselves. I mean, sure, in the end I guess we're talking to one another but for the time being we aren't. Until the message actually reaches you, I'm having a one-sided conversation; and vice versa I suppose.

You're also right about me being two steps ahead of you. I've had those thoughts a million times since the first day I met you, everything about us confuses me. In saying that though, I don't mind being confused by it, usually I hate not knowing but I'm content to just let this play out and see how it goes.

Time-delay romance? Is that what you're calling it? I guess it is a fairly accurate description of this whole situation. (And yes, it's unbelievable cheesy. I like it though; it reminds me that even if you are some big rock star who's taking on the world, you're still a massive dork.)

There are reminders of you everywhere I go. You left your shirt here after you stayed the night; it's hanging in my wardrobe, and every time I go to get dressed I end up thinking of you. There are memories of you at the bar. I can't even walk the streets without my mind wandering back to you. You invaded my life, Luke Hemmings. You came in and changed everything up in such a short amount of time and now nothing is the same.

Everything had pretty much gone back to normal now that you've left. The apartment feels a little more empty, which is ridiculous because you were only in here one time. I don't know, because of that I've been taking more shifts at the bar. It's hard to feel lonely when you don't even have time to think. It's a nice distraction.

I decided that I think I want to go to art school. You probably don't even know how much I love art; I don't think it ever came up. I paint, just in case you were wondering. I'm not great but I'm alright, and with some proper training maybe I could make something of myself. Anyway, with the extra shifts at the bar and if I got a second part time job I might actually be able to afford it. Mum always offered to pay for it but I could tell she was reluctant; she'd prefer to spend her money on educating me in an area that's more stable. Something like law, she told me once. Can you imagine that Luke, me as a lawyer? I'd go crazy.

What else can I tell you about? Oh, I made a twitter account. I don't know if I like it yet, I don't really use it a lot. If I'm being honest, and don't tell Mikey this because his ego is big enough as it is, the only real reason I made it was so I could see what you guys were up to. Is that creepy? God, I hope not, but it is the truth. Plus I feel like it could be a cheaper means of communication than texting or phone calls.

I don't know, tweet me sometime or something. That sounded lame, even to me. Lucky you already know how lame I truly am or this email might have scared you off completely.

Talk soon.



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