Chapter 2; Is it?

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Zach and Addison. The thought of them made you sick. Addison didn't care though. She ignored you and moved on with her life. Her and Zach had a relationship. Addison started bursting out your biggest secrets but there's that one she forgot. You'll fine out later. You really wanted to move schools but your mom wasn't letting you. You needed to act like it was a fresh start. New you. So you did. You had glasses, and insisted on getting contacts. Never wore any makeup and now does (not because you're insecure it's because you like makeup) got some nice clothes and was prepared to walk into school Monday. The weekend went so quick all you did was watch movies on Netflix and eat food. On Monday you got up extra early to curl your hair. Your hair is wavy, so you wanted it curler. You took a shower, blow dried your hair, and then curled your hair. After that you got ready. You put on some makeup, and picked out an outfit.  You picked out light blue jeans, with a red shirt with a lace on the front. Put in some pearl earrings, and a cute necklace and then headed out the door. Once you showed up at school, you realized everybody was starring at you. Some girls walked up to you, and wanted to be friends. They're names were Ella, Abby, and Kelsey. They were really sweet and already invited you to sit at their table. Then some guy named Dean whistled at you. You were surprised, everyone is treating you differently. As the school bell rings you see Addison and Zach giving each other a kiss as they head off their separate ways, Zach heading your direction. You speed up walking then he taps on your shoulder and said, "(y/n)?" You turn around and say "what do you want Zach?" Then he says "why'd you change yourself? You're wearing makeup, not wearing your glasses, and I can tell spending a long time on your hair." You respond in a sassy attitude "Zach why do you care?" He said "why are you changing?" Then you smile and say "because the way I was, people kept walking over me not even realizing I was their. People didn't care. People just used me. They weren't even realizing how much damage they were doing." He then looks at you. "I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to hurt you." You look at him and say "sure, because what did you mean to do?" He doesn't say anything. You then shake your head and look away saying "exactly." Then you say "for you to use me and have the audacity to lie straight to my face is messed up. Zach keep walking over me like you usually do. I thought you were a nice guy truly I did. Thanks for ruining my first party experience! Thanks for making me believe that someone like you actually liked me." He looks upset. Looks like you actually got to him. He keeps shaking his head. Then he opens his mouth. "(Y/n), what I did was wrong I know that. It's hard for me to live thinking that I hurt someone like you so badly. Even whenever I was mean to you in tutoring you still helped me. I know you didn't do anything wrong, I messed up (y/n), everything you said about me is true. I'm sorry I led you on. I'm sorry. Honestly you look beautiful the way you are, you don't need to change yourself (y/n)." You then say "Don't add to the pity Zach. You're sorry you got caught. Don't call me beautiful you have a girlfriend. Say that to someone you actually care about." Then you walk away. The rest of the day went slowly. Once it was lunch you notice something unusual. Zach wasn't sitting with Addison. Addison was crying. She noticed you and walked straight up to you. "Zach broke up with me, he said he can't be with someone that he doesn't love." You then say. "Okay? I'm sorry?" Then she said "He likes you. He always mentioned you whenever we were together he always kept telling me that he feels bad." You then say "why are you acting like my friend? You ignored me for months." She then said "because I wanted you to know he cared about you more than me." Then she walked away. You were surprised. He actually broke up with Addison. After lunch you messaged your mom and told her to come pick you up, you weren't feeling good. She picked you up and didn't ask a single question. She knew you weren't in the mood. You got a message on your phone from Zach "hey (y/n) I meant what I said this morning. You're beautiful and I do care about you. Please forgive me." You just read it. He then replies saying "please come over later tonight. We are having a little get together at my house for the Why Don't We's new album. Hope to see you their." You took a nap and woke up around 3pm. Zach told you to come over at 4pm. So you got ready and headed over to his house. There was only about 7 other people over. Felt weird to you. They started singing some of there songs. After they performed there songs they had a little after party. Zach walked up to you and said "you showed up." You just shake your head. Then he says "how did you like the performance?" You then say "it was really good!" He then smiles. That perfect smile of his. The party wasn't really fun. It was just older people complimenting their music. Once it was over and you were the only one left Zach offered to give you a ride home. You took up on the offer. Once you got into the car it was just awkward. He then says "so, about earlier today... I really meant what I said (y/n) I didn't know what I was doing that night of the party. (Y/n) I mean everything I said. You're beautiful. I'm not trying to add to the pity. I just wanted you to know. You don't have to change anything about yourself to prove a point. I apologize, I promise you that I'll never do something like that to you again. I care about you." He said that to you not taking his eyes off you. He was waiting for a response. You then say "Zach I don't know what to say." He then says "(y/n) I've always liked you." You say "Zach, that's my house." Then he pulls up to your house. He opens the door for you, and walks you to the front door. He leans in and -
(To Be Continued)

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