Chapter 3: Does Zach?

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Zach leaned it and gave you a very awkward hug. Then walked back to his car and waved to you saying goodbye. Once you were inside you got a message from Zach saying "had fun tonight. Hopefully we can hang again? Maybe this weekend? Goodnight beautiful💞" this was just weird. You replied saying "Goodnight Zach😉" he replies "is that a yes?" You reply "you'll find out later." Then he says "I need to know (y/n)😊." You then say "I guess I'll hang out with you." The rest of the week was normal. You dressed like you usually did. Everyone still treated you like a different person though. You thought they only treated you different because they either think you have a thing with Zach or they think you're a new person for wearing that outfit Monday. You sat with Zach at lunch for the rest of the week. Before you knew it was Friday. Zach told you he was taking you to Flying Panda (a trampoline park) and then after that he's going to take you out to eat. He was begging you to also go see a movie with him Saturday. So I guess you guys were hanging out for two days in a row. After school he picked you up and brought you to Flying Panda. Zach and you were having a great time. But a part of this just didn't feel surreal. So after flying panda you guys were about to pull out of the parking lot when you said. "Wait. Zach why are doing this? A few days ago I was nothing to you. I just don't believe that you want to be with me. You don't need to take time out of your day to waste it with me to make me feel better. I know I'm not like everyone else. But if this is your little experiment to trick me again then drop me off at my house or maybe I'll get out of the car & just call my mom to bring me home." Zach looks at you surprised then says. "(Y/n) why would you even say that? What do I need to do to prove myself to you? If you really think I'm that messed up then why are you even here right now? I just don't get you (y/n) one minute you're all happy and then the next you aren't. We were having a really good time. Then you have to bring this situation up again. Please for once, care for someone rather than yourself." That was it. You then reply with a tear down your face "bye Zach." As you get out of the car and start running towards the back of Flying Panda. You sat there crying for over 20 minutes. Zach didn't come back to get you, he drove off. You called your mom in tears telling her to come pick you up. Zach didn't care about you, if he did he would've ran back to get you. All he did was just leave. He drove off. Once your mom picked you up you were puking from crying so much. She dropped you off at home and said she needed to go grocery shopping. Once she came back home she bought you all your favorite snacks. Cookie Dough Ice Cream and Diet Coke. She also said that you could rent whatever movie you wanted on the tv. Your mom was always there for you. It was 5:00pm when you heard your phone go off. It was from Zach. "Hey (y/n) sorry about tonight really I am. I was just really mad, I thought you were having a good time until you said that to me. I feel really bad I left you there crying. I know you've probably lost all your trust for me. First of all, I used you for Addison, then I said that you are self-centered, and then I left you their all alone when you needed me. I know you might not trust me anymore. Please text me back so I can know you're okay." You just read it. He responds back saying "(y/n) I know you are reading this, please say something." He kept calling you and messaging you. He wasn't leaving you alone. You didn't respond. You didn't want to. He kept calling you and messaging you until the point you put your phone on do not disturb. After that you forgot about him for a little while as you watched some movies while eating ice cream and drinking Diet Coke. Around 7:42pm you heard your doorbell ring. Your mom told you she was going out with some friends late tonight and she won't come back until later. So you walk to the front door and open it. It was Zach. He had a bunch of roses in his hands. You just stared at him. He then said "can I come in?" You don't say anything but you use your hand to lead him in. He then puts down the roses on your counter, and walks up to you and gives you a hug. All you do is cry on his shoulder. You then say "what do you want Zach?" He says "I wanted to come see you, you were scaring me not writing me back I just wanted to see if you were okay." You then reply saying "well I am okay. Bye now!" He then says "I can tell you aren't okay. You're wearing baggy joggers with a shirt that has ice cream stains on it." Then you say "well what am I supposed to do? Celebrate? I'm not feeling good Zach. I was puking earlier because I was crying so much. I don't even know why you showed up here. You obviously can tell I don't want to see you. I don't even know why I am wasting so many tears on you. Sorry I care about myself. I just don't want to care for someone more than I care about myself because whenever they leave me alone how am I supposed to handle it. I don't want to fall for you Zach because I know I cannot help myself up." Zach stares at you. "It's hard to actually admit things (y/n). I'm just afraid I'm never good enough for you. You're someone I truly have feelings for, I cannot handle seeing you upset over me. I love you."
~to be continued ~

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