i'm at school and bored out of my mind.
all my friends have their last geography classes and i'm with my wifu in the art room but she's doing work and i'm boooort. so i decided to type cause i like typing and saying what's on my mind without interruption :)
some lower class men students are playing mario cart on their hot pink DSIs and i'm having flashbacks
you know when your exams were over and you could bring devices to entertain. like 500 of my friends would bring their DS' and it was mario kart all day. and it was tournament style too, we took it too seriously, if you came last you had to give to another person and there was a whole system and it was so legit and so much fun. i was probably the only girl who beat the boy a bunch of times in a row.
good times
i'm watching them as i type and they're not legit. they don't take mario kart seriously. shameful.
oml listening to hamilton cures cancer istggfg (sorry if you actually have cancer or you know does. i'm v offensive sometimes. i apologize in advance)
i'm tres hungry and lunch isn't for another ten minutes and i feel sick
ok i'm stopping here talk when i get bored again
see ya on the flip flop