Jessie's girl (lesbian story)

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"You have no idea what you are doing do you?" Jessie yelled over the sound of the strong wind. The hair blowing in her eyes blocked her vision and she angrily tried to push it out of her face.

"Of course I know what I am doing!" Her friend, Anna, yelled from the stern of the boat. As she said this a large wave tried to encompass the small vessel they were on and nearly took Anna off of her feet. She kept a firm hold on the wheel and tried to dock the boat. The tide was too high and the waves were too vicious. It was better to just sit tight and wait out the storm out in the open so at least they couldn't run into anything.

Jessie made her way to the back of the boat and tried not to panic. The storm didn't seem to be dying down. It actually seemed to be picking up. She pulled her knees to her chest and tried to breathe deeply. The constant pelting of freezing cold rain was not helping. She couldn't help but wonder how she had gotten into this situation in the first place. After all, Anna and her were barely friends. As a matter of fact, they had hated each other only a few weeks ago. Jessie was starting to wonder if she would die on this boat. This dinky little sailboat in the middle of nowhere with no help in sight. She tried desperately to calm herself when she heard Anna's voice calling her name. She lifted her head to see Anna looking directly at her. She was screaming something from the hull and Jessie couldn't hear her over the roar of the wind. She frowned and tried to stand. Her sea legs weren't exactly steady. She managed to make her way to Anna who seemed to be a thousand miles away which in reality was only around 10 feet. She held her hair out of her face with one hand and steadied herself with the other.

"What do you need?" She yelled even though she stood right next to her. The black sky loomed above them and suddenly a large bolt of lightening struck nearby. Jessie gasped from the sound of the thunder but also the immediate smell of something burning that assaulted her senses. She was frightened. She knew her face was like a book because Anna frowned and motioned her closer. When Jessie was within reaching distance Anna grabbed her hand and pulled her in between the wheel and herself so that Anna was behind her. Anna grabbed her hands and placed them both at the appropriate places. She then let her hands rest at a lower place on the wheel. She placed her head on Jessie's shoulder so that she could talk without having to yell. She pressed herself against Jessie and Jessie felt immediate heat flood her body. She sighed and closed her eyes as if it would block out all the bad happening. Anna moved to whisper in her ear and Jessie felt a chill as her hot breath hit her freezing cold ear. Her breathing became irregular.

"I promise you that as long as I am alive nothing bad will happen to you." She said with a smile in her voice. "Do you feel my heart beating?" She asked and pressed herself closer still to Jessie. Jessie nodded. "That means I am still alive." She moved her hands from the wheel and put them on Jessie's shoulders and slowly ran them down Jessie's arm and the chill that overtook her body had absolutely nothing to do with the cold rain that attacked her from all sides. Her hands rested on Jessie's. "You are holding the wheel. Our lives are in your hands. Do you feel the power you have?" Jessie's eyes moved to their hands that seemed to look strangely right together. "I know that fear comes from a loss of control. Did you feel like you lost control Jessie? I saw it in your face. Know now that you were always in control. You are always in control of your own destiny. And that should empower you to be strong." She placed her forehead on the back of Jessie's head and took a deep breath."This storm will pass. And so will this moment. And that's all life is really about. A series of moments strung together that either bring us down or build us up. So breathe in Jessie. Take this moment in. Look at the sky. Do you see the way the lightening lights in up so perfectly? That is complete chaos up there. But what happens to us down here, that's up to us. We seal our fate. At least know that." Anna said and dropped her hands lower on the wheel again. Jessie couldn't even think straight. Now THAT was a pep talk. My god she had a way with words. That was probably how she got all the girls at school to fall for her. Jessie took a deep breath at the thought.

She stiffened her body against Anna's. Great. She had totally fallen for just another ploy to get her in bed. How could she had lost herself in the moment. She shook her head. It must have been the circumstances. She was afraid and Anna prayed on that weakness. Well no sir. Jessie would not be just another notch in Anna's belt. No matter how gorgeous she was, or how many times she smirked and gave Jessie the chills. She would not give in to that desire. Jessie knew from the moment she met Anna that she was trouble with a capital "T". From the moment she walked in front of Jessie while she was at her locker and winked at her and Jessie almost fainted. Jessie never knew a wink could make you go weak in the knees. And Anna reaked of sexuality. She practically oozed it. And to top it off she went to one of the best high schools in the US. Which made her super smart and way too good with words. Of course she won tons of awards and could walk with her head held high. Jessie was pretty but Anna was sexy. And that was something that Jessie always disliked. Someone who could turn anyone on with just a touch or look or even walking by. And she wasn't femme by any means. She played all kinds of sports and even dressed like a man most of the time. For example, today she wore a button up white dress shirt with a black vest over top and a pair of ripped up jeans. She couldn't help but look at the way the white material clung to her slim body and accentuated her chest. She had the most beautiful body that Jessie had personally ever seen. She worked out just enough to be lean and incredibly enviable.

Anna appealed to everyone. And apparently everyone appealed to Anna.

Jessie sighed and tried her hardest not to lean into Anna. Her warmth was tempting. She decided to distract herself with exactly how she had ended up on this boat with this specific femme fatale. Pretty much her friend invited her to hang out on her other friends boat. When Jessie got there she found out the other friend was no one other than Anna herself. As she tried to wiggle herself out of the situation Her friend got a phone call and suddenly had to leave, conveniently. And after a series of "pleases" and "come on" she gave in and got herself into this mess. She was not having a good day and for some reason could not stop thinking about Anna's closeness. She feared to move because she actually felt safe in Anna's arms. Safer than she did all by herself on the other side of the boat. So she sat there as the boat was tossed around and she was completely soaked to the bone in freezing rain. She started to shake from the cold and Anna moved closer to warm her up. Jessie hated to have her so close but she needed the heat. She felt the rain start to soften on her. And suddenly the sun was out and the boat steadied. Just like that. It was over. Anna laughed in her ear.

"Finally." She said and moved away from Jessie to prepare the boat to sail again. Jessie felt a strange sense of loss when she moved away. She needed a girlfriend, fast.

"So we can get out of here?" She frowned at Anna. Anna looked up from her work and flashed a smile that could make any nearby ships crash from distraction. Jessie sighed. Just her luck. She was suddenly the next catch for Anna. Just what she needed at a time like this.

"Yeah. I will get you home safely. Promise." She grinned and went back to work until the boat was ready and before Jessie knew it she was setting foot on dry land and she sighed with relief. She turned to Anna and gave her a half smile.

"I wish I could say I had fun." Anna laughed.

"Well. Maybe I could make it up to you sometime. With like dinner?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head. Jessie got butterflies.

"I don't think so. Thanks anyways." She said and went to leave. Anna shouted her name and she turned to face her again.

"I don't give up that easy." She smiled. Jessie just looked at her then turned back around.

When Jessie got home she peeled off her soaking wet clothes and jumped into a steaming hot shower. As the steam rolled off of her naked body she couldn't help but pray for strength. She picked up her loofa and started to scrub the memory of her body off of her. She sighed. Failing at erasing the heat from her body, she turned the cold on full blast.

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