Jessie's girl (lesbian story) pt 8

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Jessie smiled as she walked into the bookstore in town and spotted a girl from her class. After a quick hello she went about finding the book she needed for her English class. There was something about a bookstore that could make her happy even on the worst day. And her day had been rough thus far. Jessie tried her hardest to ignore the fact that not only had she failed a very important test but her parents were coming to visit on the weekend. She loved her family but they were more than a little invasive.

"Hey Jessie." She heard and looked up from her book to see Lana standing next to her. She had gotten a little caught up in the book and hadn't noticed Lana. She smiled.

"Hey Lana. What are you doing here?" She asked with a lazy enthusiasm. Lana smiled.

"I actually was looking for you." She smiled. "I just wanted to apologize for the other night. I mean. I know that we have some wicked chemistry here. But I honestly don't have feelings for you beyond friendship." She smiled weakly. Jessie nodded her head.

"I am actually right with you. I mean. I was a little confused by the heat between us, but I love you too much to be in love with you." Jessie said honestly. She had thought long and hard about what everything with Lana meant and had just recently came to the conclusion. "I think a part of me wanted you to be the one I loved because we are already so close and it feels safe." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. Lana grinned.

"Oh thank god. I thought this was going to break this friendship." She sighed with relief. "Want to grab a bite to eat?" She asked as Jessie paid for the book she came for.

"Of course. Maybe I will tell you what happened yesterday afternoon and what is about to happen." She smiled at her friend as they began to walk down the street.

"Oh this sounds good. You better spill." She smiled as she linked her arm through Jessie's.

"Well. I was walking with Quinn. You know, the girl that I told you I met? Well. We were just chatting and who walks up to us other than Anna. I didn't know what to say to her and she actually asked me what you would think about me seeing other girls behind your back. I honestly think that she was totally checking out Quinn like right in front of me. I mean. A week ago she was chasing me and now she wants the girl I am seeing. It's ridiculous. I told you I was right about her all along." She smiled as they sat on a bench on the road.

"I can't say I am surprised. Though I am a little disappointed. She almost fought me over you and then she just gave up just like that. She is confusing." Lana said with confusion. Jessie looked up and saw Quinn approaching. Jessie smiled at her.

"Hey Quinn. What are you up to?" Quinn flashed a beautiful but fleeting smile as she looked at Lana and then back to Jessie.

"I was about to grab something to eat at the cafe." She said as she looked down at Jessie. Jessie and Lana stood.

"Perfect. We were about to run and grab something too. We just got sidetracked." Jessie smiled. "Oh. Quinn, this is Lana, Lana this is Quinn." She motioned back and forth with a grin.

"Nice to meet you." Lana said with a weak smile. Jessie couldn't help but notice the way Lana sized Quinn up. She felt a surge of pride at the protectiveness of her best friend.

"Alright. I am ready when you are." Quinn said and moved out of the way so they could all cross the road together.

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