Jessie's girl (lesbian story) pt 6

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Lana couldn't help but spot Jessie across the way talking to some girl she didn't recognize. She felt a jolt of jealousy as Jessie touched the girl's back and they went inside the cafe that Lana was headed for. Oh well. She would just have to go to another cafe. She caught herself wondering what Jessie and the girl were talking about. Was Jessie asking her out or telling her how beautiful she was? As her best friend, Lana had noticed long ago how Jessie picked up girls. It wasn't in a mean way. She was always honest and upfront. And Jessie attracted women like moths to a flame. She just had this special quality. And her beauty probably helped her out a lot as well. Lana smiled to herself. The more Lana thought about it the more she knew she couldn't pursue anything with Jessie. Did she like her? Yeah she did. But was she willing to risk losing her? No way. A lot of people would say that she was just being a chicken. But they just didn't know how awesome their relationship was. Lana had always had trouble getting close to people and when her and Jessie became fast friends she just knew that it would be forever. And there was nothing that she would do to mess that up. She continued to walk towards the closest cafe. The only way that they could ever get past this is to talk it out. But she wasn't going to talk to Jessie in front of some stranger. She would look for her tomorrow. Then all the awkwardness could just go away and back to normal.


The concert was great. Jessie had really genuinely enjoyed it. And she hadn't enjoyed something like that in a long time. Quinn. was sweet. And beautiful. Part of her just couldn't stop thinking about Quinn's big hazel eyes. It made her laugh when she finally realized that Quinn actually had pink streaks through her dark brown shoulder length straight hair. She just had this innocence about her face that made strange colored hair a little strange. But in a very cute way. At the concert Jessie bought some glow sticks for her and Quinn. When she went to hand Quinn hers it fell to the ground and they both bent over to pick it up and their heads collided. It was quite painful and they both couldn't stop laughing. As soon as the laughter died down there was a moment where Jessie was sure that Quinn was going to kiss her. But she didn't. And at the end of the night it ended with a hug and a thank you. It was really a great experience and Jessie had texted her right after and asked her out to the cafe the following morning for breakfast. Quinn had accepted. Jessie was so caught up in remembering the awesome night she had just had that she almost walked right past Lana in the lobby of her dorm. She did a double take and then smiled at her friend. She couldn't help but notice that she looked a little piqued.

"Oh my god Lana. I am so glad to see you. For a minute there I was starting to think you were avoiding me." She smiled and sat down next to Lana on the horribly ugly plaid sofa that graced the lobby. She tucked her legs underneath her and looked at Lana. Lana laughed a little nervously.

"Honestly. The whole kissing thing kind of freaked me out. I think we should probably never do that ever again." Jessie grinned.

"Of course we won't do that again. You are silly." She smiled and adjusted her position on the couch. "So. I met a girl today." She smiled widely. "We went to the concert that was tonight and had an awesome time. Her name is Quinn. And she is totally gorgeous." Jessie couldn't help but brush of the kiss with Lana. Her friendship was way too important for all that. But there was still some tension between them. And she felt this urge to kiss her just one more time just to see if the hotness was still there. Strangely she was more attracted to Lana than she was to Quinn. Lana was like the epitome of beautiful. Obviously she had to be in order to get all the women that she gets. Jessie remembered the time when she promised to sleep with every girl in their class and had actually succeeded. It had been a bad time in their friendship but they had gotten past it and became even better friends than they had been before. She guessed it was because the false standards were no longer there. When you are friends with someone for 15 years you tend to put them on a false pedestal. Jessie could honestly say she didn't hold on to the anger of the betrayal for long. She never could hold a grudge well. She looked at Lana and couldn't help but notice some strange emotion in Lana's pale blue eyes. She had the most beautiful long loosely curled fire red hair. The most perfect thing was that her red hair was deep red and completely flattering and came with none of the negative things red heads usually have like tons of freckles.

"That's good. Maybe I could meet her sometime." She smiled weakly at Jessie. Jessie sighed heavily. Obviously their conversation wasn't quite finished yet.

"Okay. Let's talk about it then." Lana looked confused. "About the kiss. Obviously you think that something isn't resolved yet. So let's talk about it." Jessie had a look of determination on her face.

"Wow. That look is actually quite frightening." Lana cringed. "I've never had to be on this side of your 'let's talk' face." Lana laughed softly. Jessie bit her lower lip and frowned.

"This really isn't that big of a deal. We kissed. It was all for show. It didn't mean anything. Was it hot? Hell yes it was hot. But I honestly believe it was just a fluke. I think we got tied up in the moment and well, lost our heads for a second." She nodded her head as if trying to convince herself and Lana at the same time.

"So. It was a fluke? Hm. It might have been." She was going to hate herself for saying what she said next. "Let's see if it was." Jessie's eyes opened in surprise.

"I'm not so sure that's the best idea." Jessie looked at her feet planted firmly on the ground. Lana smiled. She pulled her face to look her in the eyes. She looked unsure. Lana suddenly felt like she had something to prove. Her head inched closer to give Jessie proper time to pull back if she wanted to. Jessie seemed dazed. She shut her eyes just as her lips touched Jessie's. It was a gentle kiss. She slowly opened her mouth and opened her eyes partially to see that Jessie's eyes were closed. Jessie opened her mouth as well right along with Lana. Lana slowly let her tongue slide into Jessie's mouth. Jessie let out a soft moan but Lana did not increase the pace. Lana's hands were in Jessie's hair and Jessie's hands were on Lana's thighs in a soft gesture. She leaned into the kiss as Lana's tongue slid into her mouth again. Jessie found that her hands were slowly moving up Lana's thighs. She felt her body's heat increasing even though the kiss wasn't increasing in pressure. Jessie found herself seeking more physical contact and suddenly got very confused. The heat in her body was conflicting with what her mind was screaming at her that she shouldn't be kissing her best friend like this. Or suddenly wanting to know what she would feel like against her. Lana pulled back and Jessie could feel an incredible sexual tension between them.

"Maybe you were right." Lana said a little dazed. "That kiss was not what I wanted it to be." Lana frowned and ran her hand through her hair. "Let's talk about this some other time." Lana said with a look of concern on her face.

"You know. Um. I am attracted to you. Like a lot. And maybe. This is just a thought. Maybe we could just have sex. Just get it out of the way. I feel like it's inevitable at this point." Jessie raised her eyebrows. Lana had a sudden look of panic on her face.

"You said that your heart is always involved in these things." Lana looked at the ground.

"I already love you silly. You are my best friend. But it doesn't have to mean anything more than just two people getting out their sexual frustration." Jessie said matter of factly. Lana cringed.

"I don't think we should. I just don't want this getting any worse than it already is. I don't want to like start picturing you naked or something." Lana said and stood up off of the ugly couch. "I will, um, come talk to you later this week okay?" Lana didn't wait for a reply. She just walked out. Jessie stared after her and suddenly felt her seemingly perfect life shifting out of place.

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