Chapter 18: Flower

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I was in a black room, sprawled on the floor that was black too. I couldn't see anything, just myself.

            "You damn girl." A voice snarled; the voice from my head. I sat up as the man from the picture I was shown earlier glided across the missing floor. His dark chocolate hair was tossed to one side. He wore jeans and a bloody tee-shirt. His eyes were rimmed with red. "You cannot defy the demon blood I graciously gave you."

            "I didn't ask for this demon blood." I snapped, "I didn't ask for any of this."

            "You were given it. I sacrificed my life for you.”

            "You're my Dad." I changed the subject quickly.

            "And you are my daughter," he finished, "Now let daddy help you. You should make your daddy proud."

            "By doing what?"

            "Becoming demon." He answered, "If you become demon, we can help The Father in ruling this weak world. We can be together. I can get to know my own daughter I was deprived from knowing."

            "Who is this Father?"

            The demon shook his head, rubbing his temples as if he had a headache, "Too many questions. The thing you need to know is I want you to go demon. Then you can unleash me from your prison in your head and we can be together forever!" 

            I stood up, "What happens if I chose not to become demon?"

            My dad laughed harshly, "You will die then and I will have to hang around here, neither dead nor alive. It would be like purgatory for me."

            I laughed, "I think you'll be stuck here for a while then because I will not go demon. I'd rather die." Father sprinted swiftly towards me. He grabbed my wrist and twisted. The bone cracked. I stifled a cry. I rubbed it for a second as it throbbed in terrible pain.

            "Well I can’t have that, can I?" Daddy hissed into my ear. Using his fist, he lashed out at me, breaking my nose, bruising my stomach. I staggered back, coughing up blood.  I tried using my good hand to muster some power up, but none coursed through my veins.

            Daddy laughed bitterly, "You cannot use your power here. It’s a neutral zone." I cursed myself inside for even thinking it would work. I urged myself to stand up and face my demon father. I clenched my good fist and plowed it against his cheek.  He barely flinched. He grabbed my hand and pushed me back, knocking me down onto the ground. I struggled to get up as he strode over, laughing.

            "I thought they taught you how to fight." I glared at him. Using the power in my legs, I rammed him in the chest with my shoulder and knocked him on the ground. Startled by my strength he clambered to get back up, but I was ready for it. I kicked him in the stomach hard, making him lose his breath. I kicked him in the nose to repay him for my broken one. I kicked him in the mouth so he could lose some teeth. I grunted and screamed with anger.  He spat a tooth out in frustration. I grimaced as I kicked him in the shin. This time, he was ready. He grabbed my foot and dragged me down onto the floor with him. I struggled out of his strong grasp around my ankle, but he wouldn't let go.  He dug his nails my ankle, breaking the skin and making the marks bleed.

            He grinned evilly as I squirmed in pain. He was winning and I may die fighting him to get out of my head. Using my other foot, I scrapped his hand off and dragged myself as far as I could away from him to regroup. My demon father stood up shakily and limped over to me.

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