Chapter 19: Raven

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The longer I stayed at the Jacobson's house, the more I felt they were my family.  Zella grew to love me as a sister and Penny and Jacobson treated me as their own daughter. I felt right at home, going on family outings together, helping Penny clean the house or cook and being active in Zella's home schooling. On Halloween, Zella and I dressed up and went trick or treating with the family.  Zella went as a princess and I went as a purple crayon.  Zella had picked it out.

            "You look cute Raven!" Penny beamed as she took pictures of Zella and me. I felt stupid in a crayon costume, but then again, I had never gone trick or treating before. The Academy didn't celebrate Halloween.

            "So, I just knock on the door and say trick or treat?" I asked as we headed out the door, Zella and I both carrying plastic pumpkins.

            "Just follow my lead!" Zella skipped across the street, pulling my arm as well. We followed the walkway and Zella rang the doorbell. The door opened and an old woman in her 60's smiled at Zella and I.

            "Trick or Treat!" Zella exclaimed. I mumbled it, a little embarrassed that we were doing this. I must have looked silly in this costume to the old woman.

            "Here you go girls!" The old woman beamed and we left the house. That night, Zella and I got a butt load of candy that we collected together. Afterwards, we all piled onto the couch and watched cheesy horror movies before bed while eating some of the candy we had collected.

            By now, it was early November and Zella and I were making very good progress with her change.  I had figured out that she was a zebra which was actually made sense with the white streak in her hair.

            "Okay, remember to relax and just let it wash over you like water." I advised. She nodded and took a deep breath.  Her body grew bigger and black and white stripes began to cover her body. 

            "Keep it up Zella!" I encouraged. "You're doing great!" The full change took hold. She was now a full Zebra.

            "Okay! Now just relax and walk around." She took a shaky step and stumbled, but I was there to catch her.  "You're doing great," She took another step and didn't stumble this time.

            "When you feel ready, you can trot, but only when you feel ready." I advised. She took a few more steps and then ran around the yard. I beamed with pride. She was doing amazing. The sliding door opened as Penny came outside, wrapped in a small blanket.

            "Wow, you did it Raven! You taught her how to do it."

            "She just needed to relax. We don't think about it now since we do it so well."  I smiled.

            "You know, Winter Formal is coming up and I got a call from Derek that he'll be coming to take you back to The Academy soon."

            "Am I cleared?"

            "Apparently there was another death, a girl this time and you couldn't have possibly have done it because you were here and the injuries were...gruesome. A girl named Bailey. I think she was on her last year."

            I rubbed my temples. "Another death," I didn't recognize the girl's name but I sympathized with her grieving family.

            "I was thinking we could go shopping and find you a winter formal dress. It sounds like Derek is very fond of you."

            I blushed heavily, but used my hair to shield it. "He-He is very fond of me."

            Penny broke into a grin, "I thought so. Poor Jane, she's never had a boy that liked her, or that I know of. Apparently her friends' say she's too opinion oriented." By now, Zella had trotted over to us and was nuzzling my hand.

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