Party Crasher

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One moment you think you're at a party living it up with your boys and then you get a text. 

"Hey, who is that?" Marty asked me taking a shot. I shrug, "I dunno, man I'm guessing it's another thot given by the digits with no name,"

"Eh, gonna get some action G.I. Joe?" laughed my best friend. I shoved his shoulder, "Knock it off man. Hold on let me text her,"

Gerald: Hey 

Girl: Hey it's me

Yeah, its me. I don't know who the fuck is me.

Gerald: Sorry my phone been messing up my contacts. Who's this?

Girl: It's me, Sage Hill. We dated for a few months. Well kinda,"

Gerald: Oh, yea. What's up?

Girl: You know around February at the valentines party?

Gerald: Yea.

Where is she going with this?

Sage Hill: I'm pregnant...well actually i already gave birth to your kid...three years ago 

I leaned back as the couch pressed on me. I don't believe this. 

Sage Hill: You still there? It said you read my text.


I text her back as I rubbed my neck.

Gerald: yea, I'm still here. How is it mine? It's been three fucking years?"

Sage Hill: It's yours Gerald. I knew by April that year and I got some of your hair to test it. If you want to talk more lets find a time to talk about this like adults. 

Gerald: Your still in L.A?

Sage Hill: I'm living back in Pittsburgh, Ca

Gerald: How can I trust you? You just text me out of the blue???? 

Sage Hill: You can bring your publicist or who ever. I want to be in public and I want us to talk.

Aw crap.

I barely got any sleep. Yeah, I know people claim they have my kids but it's only because they were crazy. However I remember Sage and when I spent time with her she didn't seem off. I maybe wrong but I'm sure she isn't. I was in bed at the hotel and rolled over to check my phone again. I kept reading the conversation and tried to put the math together. 

Ah, she's right the kid will be three.

As much as I wanted to think she was wrong, Sage never seem like the lady that she wants something.  In fact, it's been three years and why is asking now? Money?

I rolled over again and started dialing. 

"Yo Matt...I gotta tell you something?"

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