Camila & Gerald

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Sitting at dinner I couldn't help but noticed how much Camila looked like then perfect mixture of Sage and I. She had the same color as Sage but had the same cheeks as me when I was her age. She had a narrow nose like me. 

At the dinner table we had spaghetti and some garlic bred. First Sage gave Camila her plate which she looked eager to have. 

"Here you go Mila," Sage said with a little cough. 

'Thank you mama," Camila thanked as she got her fork to spin the pasta 

Than Sage sat across from me and push my plate to the middle of the table, "And for you...Gerald," 

"Thanks," taking the plate. 

Camila asked her mom, "May I have sardines on mine?" 

"You have those?" I said puzzled. Sage giggled and shrugged, "Yeah she really likes sardines on hers. Please don't ask me why she just does," 

Sage scooted out of her chair and walked back into the kitchen. Well, what do you know? She really is my kid. I looked back at Camila and she just took a big chipmunk bite of her garlic bread and looked at me with her doll like eyes. 

"What?" she asked with her eyes looking pissed off. 

Jeez kid calm down.

"You like sardine eh? Whys that?"

"I like bitting their eye balls out. I feel like a shark" she said nonchalantly as she took another bite of her bread. Ok, I need to start hanging out with more people with kids. Do all kids talk like their murders or just mine? I readjusted my seat to get closer to her. 

"So...Camila what do you like to do for fun?"

"I like playing pretend and kicking rocks,"


"I feel powerful," she said with her eyes squinting right at me. I couldn't help but chuckle as she was trying to sound serious about this. 

"Camila besides kicking rocks what else do you like to do?"

"I like to play music,"

"You do?" 

She nodded and drank her milk, "I'm learning to play the ukulele,"

"That's wonderful Camila. Do you like it?" 

She began to smile and giggled in the high pitch way, "Yes!" and began running off. oh, shit where is she going? Is she allowed to leave the table. I looked over to see Sage still in the kitchen. 

"Camila? Come back!" I whispered trying to get her back but she ran up to the stairs. 

I keep whispering her back until I heard a plate hit the table. I turned back my attention to see Sage looking confuse, "What you doing?"

"She kinda run off. I don't know why" I said in my defense. Next minute Camila return with a pink little ukulele and some big sunglasses that were a glitter green. She looked like a little CeeLo Green."Ladies and Gentlemen! Here is a song that I just made up!" she announced proudly and started to adjust her ukulele. Sage was holding in her laughter as was I. Camila started to play and even tho I don't really play myself it was actually really good. She continue to play and I whispered to Sage, "How long has been playing?"

"Just the past two months. That's what she wanted for her early birthday present,"

"Early birthday present? When's her birthday?"

"October 13th" she giggled.

"Your serious?"

"My water broke when I was with my friends watching horror movies. I blamed it on Jason" she laughed. Camila pouted, "are you listening"

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