Happy Birthday

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As much as I wanted to stay I was there for a good two weeks and needed to return to Los Angeles for the MTV music awards for my new single "Shake it Up". It was big honor and I was pretty excited. On the plane to L.A. Sage had sent me another picture of Camila blowing me a kiss with the caption Wishing you a safe flight. I text Sage back to say thank you. Waling to LAX airport with a dozens of paparazzi following. My mind started to think. I wonder how's Camilla's art class? Did she remember to tell Sage she needs another lunchbox since her handle broke from her old one? What is Sage doing today? Does Camila stay in the basement with Sage when she's working on a client? My mind was always somewhere else when I left them. I got out of the airport and was in the limo with my manger and Marty. 

-"Hey, its good to see you!How was everything?" Marty asked

"It was really good. I'm planning to get some tickets so they can come up here to spend the week in Los Angeles for her summer break.

"How do you feel about that?" Matt asked me

"Good. Really its been really good,"

"How's Sage? She's not crazy right?" Marty asked 

"Nah, I mean we have disagreements but we really get along. Glad that I knocked up someone sane and not fame driven," I laughed. 

"Well I'm happy things are working out. I'm not sure how we're gonna bring this up to the world but I guess we gotta let it happen organically," Matt finished

"Yeah. I don't mind people knowing as long they don't know details. You know what I mean? Last thing I need is for people stalking them," 

"Oh, you're right about that," Marty chimed in

"We can arrange them to relocate," Matt suggested 

"I don't know about that. Sage is pretty prideful and after what happen to the last man I doubt she wants to depend on me. Hopefully somewhere down the road she'll trust me. Hey, she let me for the tickets for the flight so that's something,"

'Right," Matt sign and looked back on his phone. The car ride was pretty quite after that. 

I got back to my house in the hills where Tony and Xavier waited for me. They greeted me with a quick hug and walked me in. We were all on the couch discussing our schedule for the performance on stage for the awards. 

"E40 is gonna make it there for sure," Tony said with a smirk on his face.

"Damn its gonna be lit our there," Xavier said. 

"Yea, G do you think we got it? I mean you just came back and we got limited time. it starts in a couple of hours,"

"Yeah. I got this" I pressured my crew where they all smiled by my cockiness. 

After a good three hours we were finally on the red carpet looking fresh to death with our suits. Tony was of course snap chatting the whole walk down while Marty continue to mock him, "Bruh, you serious? You look like those snap chatting thots!" he laughed. Tony ignored Marty's remarks and continue to snap. I rolled my eyes and saw ahead of me was a fine blond with a microphone. I got up to her and she instantly started to ask questions, 

"G Eazy! how are you hun?"

"Doing well. Just came back from Miami and now I'm out here,"

"Guessing you had a lot of fun with Miami. Oops I mean IN Miami,"

I chuckled, "Yeah had lots of fun,"

"What are you planning for us today?"

'I'm gonna perform with my crew and E4O with my new hit. Pretty proud of it and honor to have some amazing artist that I look up to and can be on this track,"

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