Already Gone

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We didn't talk about what happen at Camila's birthday. She eventually got out and talked with everyone as if it was nothing. Maybe it was the milk? 

The next morning I woke up from the couch and found that it was six o'clock in the morning. I rolled around trying to think what to do. My phone went off to warn me I got a text message. I unlock my phone to see my mom text me. 

Moms: How are you? Hows Camila? 

Me: She's doing great. Imma send you the video. Hope you're feeling better 

Moms: Thanks Gerald. Yeah, this flu hit me pretty hard. I didn't want to get Camila sick on her birthday. Make sure my granddaughter gets my card and her present. She loves color books  right?

Me: Yeah she'll love the empowered women coloring book. She is pretty woke LOL

Gerald: She has a good head on her shoulders, just like you and her momma :)

Me: Thanks ma. I gtg Imma try to catch a few Z's. Her clients are gonna be here and I'll be taking care of Camila so Sage can work. 

Moms: she such a hard worker. Tell her I said hi. Love you son

Me: Love you too moms.

I started to look through my gallery app on my phone and scroll through pictures. I was pretty much the photographer for the day and made sure I got everyone. I sent the video of Camila being sung by everyone for her birthday, pictures of Sage and I with Camila near the cake and eating lunch, pictures of Camila making silly faces with her cousins, and a picture of Sage's friends and sister laughing in the kitchen earlier that day. I smirk as I saw Sage trying to reach something in the shelf but I noticed something. There was something in Sage's hand. What the hell is that? I used my fingers to zoom in and saw she was holding a orange tube. Medication? 

I got up from the seat and rushed in the kitchen and went throw the shelves. I figured out it was the one high up on the left. I open the cabinet to see a row of medications. 

Is she an addict? I was startled to see so many containers. I pick up a random one to see it was an OXY that would be two years old. The more I went through the more of the pills I saw that had to cope with pain, nausea, sleep, and immune system. How long have she's been doing this? 

"What are you doing?" asked Sage. 

I turned around to see Sage wearing her hair all wrapped up in silk cloth. She looked shock and backed up as I turned around with the bottles of pills in my hands. 

"When were you gonna tell me you're an addict?" 

Sage was speechless. 

"I wouldn't say I'm a addict...."

"Jesus Sage! You got Camila! Do you think I want Camila near you with this? Do you I want you to die? And leave her? Huh?" I growled. 

Sage's eyes were swelling up with tears and her faced washed out a pale whitish brown. She was choking on her own words and slowly sobbing as she tried to speak, "I-I-I'm not an addict...I'm just trying to delay it," 

'Delay death? Delay your feelings about Kert? Get over it! you don't gotta do this!"

"God damn it that's not it!"

"Than what? What?" 

"I'm fucking dying that's why!" she shrieked with her hands expanded out. 


She was panted at this point and leaned on the counter. 

"I got cancer...I've been fighting it for so long and I'm losing. I'm trying so hard but doctors told me a few months ago that things aren't looking bright...." 

Sage started to wipe her eyes and tried to continue, "I-I-I didn't know what to do...I was diagnosed a year after I had Camila and Kert was with me through everything. They said I was clean after surgery but it came back 6 months after. It was bad and I already lost my Nana with breast cancer. She went first. She knew my pain. When the doctors told me my chances I told Kert and he confessed about the affair. I guess he felt guilty cheating on his cancer girlfriend and left me. I got the house when my Nana and sold my house, my cars, my business, and other stuff so I could save money for Camila,"

"Camila?" I asked

"She knows mommy is sick but not how bad. I've been selling everything so when I died she's gonna be okay but I still had one problem. Who would take care of her? I assume Kert or my grandparents. Not my sister since she has too much on her hands and going through her own addiction,"


"Alcohol. My friends don't know how to take care of kids. Hell my friend Leah lost her three times in the same day! I was scared if I died sooner who will take care of her? Few weeks after Kert left Camila overheard my sister and I talking about Kert and how she doesn't know about you. Days after that she started to question and I knew she had to know. That is why I contacted you. If you hated me I said to myself I would be okay just as long you loved her. That maybe you could take care of her when I pass...."

Before I could say anything more Sage looked as if her soul was slipping. She took off her wrap to see her buzz cut hair. 

"I didn't wear the wigs to look fashionable. I did it so I didn't scare Camila. how can you tell your kid you're dying? can you just say goodbye" she was choking on her own sobs and collapsed on the floor. 

"I'm not ready to die! " she cried. 

My legs felt weak like jelly and collapsed with her. I hold her close as her weak body found shelter with me. 

"I got you...Sage I got you.." 

My eyes teared up as at the moment I realized the love of my life was leaving me....

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