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I didn't get a chance to see Camila as Sage texted me after the results that she needed to get drop off to her friend's house as she had a client to work at home. 

Gerald: Maybe I can come over? is that okay?

Sage: Yeah that's fine but you need to stay upstairs because I got a client in my basement,"

Gerald: I thought you did hair and not slaughtering

Sage: Ha, ha very funny. It looks like a real salon btw not a creepy dudgeon

Gerald: Okay than. Send me the address and I'll be there

And so she did. 

I told my "attack dogs" (at least how Sage would say it) to back off as I made my way to her home. I googled the address and followed the instructions to Pittsburg. As I was driving I noticed most of the homes. They were run down and had some broken fences. I was so distracted by the house that I actually passed Sage's home. 

Ah, shit. I took a u-turn and found out that her house. I drove up the driveway where I was greeted by the chipping paint of the front house along with the long dry grass.

This is where Sage lives?

I saw a young women walking out the house. Her hair was feathered out with some bling highlights in her black long hair, "Thank you Sagey. See you three weeks!" said the phone were was strutting in her new look. Once she left it was my cue to walk up. 

"Hey Sage!" I greeted. Sage seemed a bit surprise to see me there. I guess she thought I was coming later. Sage had another wig on today that was a blunt bob that was off the shoulder. She was wearing some jeans and a black tank top. Underneath her eyes wear a little dark. Most likely from all that eyeliner she had.

"Sorry, you know. Chemicals," she giggled as she readjusted the bangs. 

"Yeah, I can tell. Do you want to eat? Its 1:30"

"Oh, god yes! I think got some sandwich meat in the fridge-"

"Nah, I got this. Where do you want to eat?" 

Sage pressed her lips and smirk. 

We found ourselves in the drive thru of Carl's Jr. 

"I'll have a double cheeseburger, large fries, arg soda. Oh and a kids meal,"

"Kids meal?

"For our daughter dummy,"

"Oh, right" I chuckled as I pull up to the first window. Once I rolled down the window I could see the cashier lady's jaw dropped. 

"Your-your-your" she uttered. I handed her some money as she handed me the recipe. 

"Thanks doll" I said as I rolled the windows back up. 

"Doll? Your such a playa" Sage cackled 

"Ha, ha funny," 

"Eh, after dis tho I gotta pick up Camila. You can drop me off at the bus stop across from my house," 

"I don't mind but I also don't mind driving you to our daughter," 

Sage smiled with her bright smile. 

God she's so beautiful. 

We enjoyed our fast food in the Camila's parking lot. 

"It's pretty big for a kids school,"

"Well it for Kindergarten through 6 grade," she said as took another bite of her burger. Man she's hungry. 

"Man. So when do we have to pick her up?"

"In ten minutes. Don't mind her if she ask you a million questions,"

"Okay. To be honest I'm hella nervous,"

"I get it but she's gonna be hella happy to see you. Plus she's usually really tired when I pick her up so she may not question everything. Expect being in a car with a man that's her father," 

"Yeah good point,"

Sage took another bit of her burger and took her seatbelt off, "I'm gonna pick her up,"


It was weird to see Sage leave and know she was gonna bring her our daughter. This is really happening. My whole is gonna change or been changing. I put the radio on and tried to find some PG music for her. What kind of music does she like? I looked behind me and found Sage already tied the carseat. I looked across from me where Sage sat and saw Camila's happy meal. I grabbed it and heard some giggles. Is that her? From my front mirror I saw Sage holding a little girl with long loose curls and a Disney princess glittery backpack. Camila hugged close to her mother.

"Gerald this is Camila," she said softly while she open the door for her. Camila eye's were closed as she was sleepy. 

"Can you turn off the music? Let her nap she had a long day,"

"Oh, yeah for sure"

I turn off the station and continue to drive. I was taking another left when I heard Camila mumble. 


Sage took Camila up to the stairs to her room while I waited in the kitchen. 

"Okay, she'll wake up in an hour,"

"Okay, maybe I'll come back later than. I don't want to creep around here,"

"No, it's fine really. You can have dinner with her," 

"You sure?"

"Positive. I'm gonna boil some water. Could you pick up the toys in the living room. Its kinda messy from play time yesterday," 


Camila had some stuff animals, dolls, puzzles, blocks, and tons of tons of books. She was definitely  a girly girl. I was surprise that I didn't find a shit load of glitter on the floor along with unicorn crap but no it was just toys. I had a small pink basket and bended down to pick up the toys. In the middle of my cleaning I stumble upon a red panda toy that was under my feet. 

"Don't kill him!" squealed a high pitch voice that startled me.

"Who said that?" I said looking back up to see Camila holding a elephant plushy. 

"oh, hey sorry about that," I said softly. I took the little red panda and gave it back to her. She had giant doll like eyes that were brown and thick black lashes. She had light tan skin and was wearing poka dot black and white pants and a fluffy sweatshirt that was pastel pink with a glittery cat on it. Her hair went on her knees and were a light brown. 

Camila looked pissed off and grab the red panda and stomp forward to her mom. 

"One of your clients are still here!" she yelled. 

Its gonna be a long day.  

The Day It All Change( G Eazy )Where stories live. Discover now