Tea Party Tears

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I didn't want to come back the next day so I waited for a good three days. The last thing I need is baby mama drama. I text Sage that Saturday if I could come by with some Pizza.

Sage: Yeah, sure come on by! ^_^ 

Man she's weird. Is she bipolar. I had to shake it off and remember the goal. I wanted to make a bond with Camila as the results were clear she was mine and I didn't want to be a deadbeat dad. Camila already had a dad before and I wasn't sure how nice he was with her (besides him being a dick to Sage about the affair thing) I didn't know how to compete. I carried the box of pizza with a small pink bag in another. I reached over to grab the door knock only for it to drop on the floor. Is everything falling apart? It didn't matter since Sage open the door a few second later holding Camila in her arms. 

"Hey, we are just having tea. Wanna join?" Sage as if I was a small child.

"Um, okay than" 

I enter the house leaving the food on the kitchen counter and return up to Camila's room where her old chipped table with her five chairs were waiting for us. Only three seats were available since her red panda and grey elephant were seating next to her. Sage and I sat across the small round table and began to grab out tiny tea cups. Camila had a overgrown hat that you could find on a old lady at church on a Easter Sunday. it was big with tons of flowers. She wore it proudly and instructed us (even her stuff animals) to raise their cups high. And so we did. 

Camila laughed and clapped at our response and continue to play the game tea time. She poured some imaginary tea and warned me not to drink it until it was cool. 

"Okay Camila," I said softly and blew on my tea

She turned to Sage, "You too momma,"

Sage nodded and started to blow on her tea. 

"I love my tea baby. Mango black tea is my favorite. How about you Gerald? What tea did you get," Sage asked and mouthed "make any flavor you want"

I hesitated for a minute and pressed my lips as Camila was eager to hear my response, "I love this...Earl tea?"

"Ewe, earl tea is for old people," Camila said with disgust and shook her head while her nose scrunch. 

"He is old," corrected Sage 

"Yeah but your momma is waaaay older! Didn't she tell you she lived with the dinosaurs?" I snapped back. Sage roll her eyes playful and said, "Please, the stars and the universe got nothing on me. I saw how this world was created,"

"Really how?" Camila asked with awe.

"By my giant fart" she laughed and tickled Camila. They were laughing together and I couldn't help but join in. I didn't mean to touch Sage like that but I didn't aim right. My fingers accidentally hit her chest and I felt her boob that was pretty hard. Sage's eyes widen and her mouth was open. She let out a painful groan and leaned back from her chair. Aw, shit. 

"Momma!" screamed Camila dropping her tea cup. Sage caught herself from he fall and massage the bottom of her chest. She was out of breath but kept a smile on, "Please, its-its gonna..take a lot for me to fall," 

Camila's expression from a worried look switch to her playful self. She smiled and hold her mother's hand, "Oh, okay! lets play!"

"I'm so sorry. I was gonna tickle you. I didn't meant to hit you there," I apologize. She wave her hand to dismiss me and said (still out of breath), "Its totally fine. It was an accident,"

We continue to play tea party until Camila attention span was over. She went around her room trying to look for something, "what do you wanna do?"

"I'm not sure Camila. What do you wanna do?" I asked her. Her hair whipped back as she turned to me, "I don't know that's why I was asking you. Duh,"

'How about we eat dinner?" Suggested Sage who was already up from her seat. Camila nodded and walked down the stairs first. Once she was gone Sage started to talk to me, "I'm sorry what happen a few days ago. That was crazy of me. It's just been pretty hard you know?"

"Sage you don't gotta apologize. I was out of line,'

"I didn't have to yell at you though. I know this place isn't the greatest or safest but its the only place I can afford. When Camila's six we can move out and maybe to nicer city like Brentwood or Daily City,"

"Three years?"

"Yeah...or five. It just depends you know? Places get snatch up all the time in the bay,"

"Nah, I get it. Sage again if you  ever need anything. I mean anything at all. Please give me a call. I just want to know you and Camila are okay,"

"Gerald I-"

"Sage please. Let me do this. Even if its just paying for shoes for Camila I wanna help. I wanna be her dad,"

"Your my dad?" said Camila who popped out of nowhere. She was at the door with a cheese pizza slice in her hand. Her eyes were shock from the conversation. Sage and I look at each other. I guess it's time. Sage and I sat Camila to her bed while we sat on the tiny chairs close to her. 

"Camila this is your father. Your biological father. His name is Gerald,"

"How?" she asked looking scared

"Baby, its a long story. What you need to understand is that things happen and at the time I wanted Kert to be your dad. But he wasn't the one who help me give birth to you. That was Gerald's work. He wants to be here for you and be your dad,"

Camila nodded and gazed at me with her big eyes that were swelling up with tears. 

"Why didn't you come back?" she said choking on her words. 

I felt like my body was in the rain as their feeling was washing over me. It was pure guilt. If I knew about this none of this would have happen. 

"Baby, I ....I mean..."

Sage cut me off. 

"Maybe another time baby. Gerald..I mean your dad...its getting late for him,"

"Can he spend the night?" Camila asked. Sage was trying to say something but I helped her out, "Only if your mom wants me to," 

"You know what. Its fine. Sure you can stay for the night"

"Yay! Sleep over!" Camila squealed and wrap her little arms around me. 


I wrapped her around my arms and hearing those words I couldn't help but feel happy. At that moment I experience a love that I never felt before. 

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