Hello Baby

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I didn't want to look at her. Sage seemed worried too with her faded dark brown smokey eyeshadow that brought out her hazel eyes. We were out in Chrissy Park in SF sitting on a picnic table with her lawyer and my publics, manger, and lawyer. 

"So... you pretty much brought everyone eh?" she said nervously as she scatch her bettie page bangs. 

"Yeah. Just in case,"

"I get it. My lawyer Sandra has the papers along with the results. We can take another test for sure if you are not convince. I promise I won't tell anyone. Hell, I'll sign papers to keep my mouth shut,"

"We just need the papers. I need to confirm it and we can go from there," my lawyer said.

"Agreed" said Sandra who pulled out a grey folder to my lawyer Samuel. Our lawyers took a quick walk to discuss while my manger took a call while Cindy my publicist talked to Sage.

"May I ask you something dear?"

"Yeah, shoot," Sage answered while she took a sip of her water bottle.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked leaning uncomfortable close to her. Sage gave me a raised brow and mouth, "why is she so close?" 

I shrugged. 

Sage sign and went on, "She wants to know who's her dad and I had to tell her,"

"Why do you think Gerald is the father? Come on, you're a pretty girl. You can probably have any men. You probably did," Cindy hissed.

"I'm not a whore! I had a boyfriend named Nick until we broke up after 6 months. Two months after our breakup I met Gerald. Gerald, you and I had sex at that valentines day party. I didn't cheat on you than or before. I know this is your daughter. I tested Nick just in case. She wanted to know who is her father and I can't keep hiding the facts,"

"No facts just theories. Well see if you're right,"

"Trust me, I know I'm right. May I have a word just with Gerald?" 

Cindy looked at me with her over line eye liner that was way to much. 

"Its okay" I said 

Cindy looked shock and lightly gasped as she hurried over to look for the lawyers. I readjusted myself as I lean closer to Sage. 

"This is a lot. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It happen so fast. I found out I was pregnant when I broke up with you and you went off tour. I didn't want to tell you since you may think I was clingy and wouldn't believe. So I raised her on my own all this time,"


She tossed her hair back and looked at the table and smirk nicely, "Yeah-yeah its a girl. Her name is 

"that's a beautiful name Camilla ,"

"She's named after my Nana. She would have been proud to see her. Listen I know it's hard and I didn't want to drop this all on you. I just didn't think she would ask. Camila kept asking about her dad ever since she's gone to school. I figured she would ask though,"

"When will I meet her?"

"Soon, I think first though your attack dogs need to find the evidence," she chuckled. In the midst of her laugh her hair seemed to move. Just a little bit. 

Sage seemed to notice my staring and said nonchalantly, "Oh, I cut my hair really short. This is my wig,"

"Well looks nice. You still doing hair?'

"Yeah I have my own beauty salon. Well had one I sold it and doing hair at home. Totally less stress since I don't have so many people under one roof. Plus I got bought out by some rich cats so I'm sitting on it,"

"So its really isn't money huh?"

She nodded no, "I don't want money. I'm just hoping that you and her can bond. That's all,"

"Nah, appreciate it,"

A few minutes later our lawyers return along with Cindy. 

"Though it confirm positive we should take another test. Just in case,"

"What do you say Sage?" I asked her

"sure lets begin. Let me pick me Camila at the house,"

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