Momma's wings

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Sage canceled her appointments for the next three days and told her clients she had a family emergency. Camila went with one of her friends as me and her had to talk. We sat across from each other as she wore her short black bob.

"You're still wearing that? Camila isn't here Sage,"

"I know but I think I scared you enough.."
"Sage I told you I'm here,"

"That's what Kert said...I didn't want to tell you until later,"

I pressed my lips as i tried hard not to cry when I asked her the question I wanted to know. Like pandora's box I knew once i open this conversation i knew I couldn't close this. 
"How...ugh..How long do you have before"

"Die? 4 months. That's what the doctor's guess," she interrupted 

"What have you done though? Isn't medicine or therapy you can go?"

"I did chemo the first time it happen and medication but it took me down. I could barely do anything. I can't do chemo and still work. I'm strong but my isn't body. I just take the medication and pull through," she coughed and grab a tissue. There was a little bit of dark blood on her napkin. 
"Sage are you done fighting? Like if you could would you want the treatments?"

"Honestly Gerald... I don't know. I don't know if I can through that again. This one is aggressive than the first. I was 24 when it happen and it was in its first stages. I'm around the finishing line and my body is on a thread...I feel like at this point theres not much i can do,"

"No-no please.."

"Gerald its selfish and I get it. I'm coming to terms with this. I don't want to go to treatments. Its for the best"

"For you? How about Camila? I think she would want her mother alive!' I cried

Sage seemed pretty calm and sign, "Her mother been dying...I just been surviving for her. I want her to live. I want you to live. My life is closing and I just wanna watch the sunset and be in peace,"

"Sage for the first time I see what I've been missing. I love you. God, I love you and I'm not ready to lose the love of my life and the mother of my child. I-I just got you back! You can't leave me! Baby please!" I said grabbing her cold hands. She smirk and her eyes were glistening. 
"i love you so much...but I love you more to let you go...."


"I'm ready to go soon...that's why i want you to bond with Camila and yes spend some time with me too. I just want these next months to be happy. I have struggled so much and for the last days I want to go in peace,"

Sage took off the wig and looked me in the eyes. I felt the warmth and the painful truth dissolving in my mind. 

"So this is it?"  I uttered

She nodded and looked at the backyard 

"Yeah this is it..."

I hold Sage's hand again and leaned over to kiss her.

I pressed my lips to her cold ones. I hold her beautiful hair and touched her eyes as my lips pressed hard to her. She light moan and leaned in closer. "I love you.." I moaned between the kisses

"I love you too Gerald" as she wrapped her hands on my neck. For those few minutes were in our own world. 

"I'm not gonna stop though. You'll fight this" I finished and looked her in the eye. 

"I know...maybe I can into treatment...."

"I'll take care of you. I promised. if it doesn't work or you don't want to do it anymore than we'll stop it. I just want to try this...please,"

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