lilli: connor? you awake?
connor: lilli it's 4 am why are you awake?
lilli is typing....
lilli is deleting message....
lilli: i can't sleep
connor: you sure?
lilli: yeah i am
lilli: what are your plans today?
connor: nothing much. stay inside and do stuff probably. you?
lilli: i'm not really a physically active person and i don't socialize very well so i'd probably do the same.
connor: i expected you to be an outside-is-fun kind of girl....hmmm
lilli: a lot of people mistake me as one
connor: since it's 4 am and you're wide awake, assuming that you've no one to talk to (because why would you message me if you did?), let's talk until you fall asleep.
lilli: aren't you sleepy? i don't want to be the reason you get sleep deprived.
connor: it's fine.
lilli: uhm....alright
connor: alrighty. so what's your music genre?
lilli: it depends on my mood actually....if i feel like wearing a leather jacket and put on a thick layer of eyelines, i listen to rock. there are times when i listen to soft and alternative. basically anything but country. though i do like some country songs.
connor: finally someone who's the same!
connor: your turn ask me a question
lilli: why do you call yourself the sunflower boy?
connor: tOo pERsOnaL
lilli: iM SoRrY
connor: ask me another question
lilli: do you have any pets?
connor: i have a pet cat
lilli: awee well that's cute
connor: favourite colour?
lilli: baby blue and (dodie) yellow
connor: pretty
lilli: favourite movies?
connor: the bfg and miss peregrine
lilli: same
connor: knock knock
lilli: who's there?
connor: i forgot about the joke
lilli: good job
lilli: what do you call a fish that works in the church underwater
connor: what
lilli: a nunderwater
connor: .............
lilli: okay im satisfied now. you can go to sleep. night x.
connor: noooo but i want to talk to you!
lilli: no
connor: please?
lilli: ugh fine
lilli: what do we talk about
connor: i want to meet you
lilli: whot
lilli: it's funnt because we sent those messages at the same time
connor: i want to meet you, lilli.
lilli: uhm sorry but no can do
connor: what? whyy???
lilli: i literally just knew you from a text message and for all i know you could be a 45 year old man
connor: will i ever meet you though? i mean, im not a 45 year old man but i want to see you
lilli: i think the fuck not
connor: :(
lilli: change the subject
connor: do you read?
lilli: yup
connor: favourite books?
lilli: everything leads to you, girl online, all american girl and tuesdays with morrie
connor: well those sound nice
lilli: because they are
connor: you okay?
lilli: yeah why?
connor: nothing. hey you should get your sleep already. i don't want to be the reason you get sleep deprived ;)
lilli: haha fine
lilli: bye
connor: bye lilli x
sunflower boy
General Fictionconnor: "hey!" connor: "lilli?" lilli: "who are you?" connor: "the sunflower boy :)"