Chapter Three : More than a test.

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If someone with whose piety and character you are satisfied with comes to you, marry to him. If you do not do so, there will be trials in the earth and a great deal of evil.  [Tirmidhi]

Chapter Three :

More than a test.

"Khalaa I want cotton candies. Pweeese" little Samya cried as she pulled the ends of my hijab. Her face was wettened by the numerous years that cascaded down her chubby cheeks. This little girl was such a drama queen. She'd cry and wail until you gave her what she wanted.

Unfortunately she saw some kids with cotton candies down the street yesterday and God knows why she was crying this way for such things. I gritted my teeth and wiped my forehead. I didn't like the noisy Samya who'd cry for trivial matters.

"Now,you called me khalaa. Am so upset. Looks like am joining you. Let's cry." I said bending looking at her red face.
"Sowwy,I won't say that anymore. So will you get me the candy?" She asked wiping her watery eyes,her lips curving to a smile.

This girl with her crocodile tears which would pour out any minute,I have to admit,she's unpredictable.

Just before I could promise her the candy,I heard my mother's voice calling for me. I quickened my steps heading towards the kitchen. The aroma of the dishes was so captivating that they triggered my stomach making it roar louder and louder.

I served myself a spoonful of the tandoori chicken and let my taste buds do the work. "Don't you mess with the dish. Mom's gonna kill you. She's waiting for you in her room." I heard my bhabs saying.

"Are we expecting any visitors,bhabs? This food is just too good for daily meals, " I chuckled.

Sara looked at me and laughed along. "They are coming." She said winking.

"Who's coming?" I asked

"Ugh do I have to say everything?"she said walking away.

I walked towards my mother's room with lots of questions in my puzzled head.

"Beta,Yahya's family is coming to see you. Make sure you dress well and you keep yourself simple." She said patting on my shoulders,handing me a dress with a matching hijab.

This had really escaped my mind since I was too busy with my life making myself a priority and living the life of a happy-lucky-go-girl. "This people why are they after my life?" I sighed asking my inner self.

"And before I forget,Kamaal has travelled and Asif is coming home from the boarding school. Go pick him up before they come." She said referring to my younger brother.

Asif was six years younger than me and due to his playful nature mom had sent him to a boarding school. He was the most social person I had ever seen. His age not being a barrier,he mingled with everyone.

I walked from my mother's room and went to grab my abaya from my room. It seemed that today my soul wouldn't rest in peace since Samya stood on my way with her sly smiley face. This girl. I just wanted to cry.

"Let's go." I said after putting on my abaya and wrapping my head with my hijab. Thanks to the Islamic mode of dressing like these abayas which you could just put on and walk on the street like a queen. Otherwise searching for clothes in the closet would be such a pain.

Little Samya wrapped her hands around my index finger and off we went. I took the only car left and drove off to the candy place. I purchased some candy for Tamanna since her cravings were getting weird day in day out.

"Thank you soooo much" Samya said widening her arms expressing herself.

"You're welcome my munchkin." I said pecking at her cheeks. We walked and sat on a wooden  bench near the candy shop. I looked at the sky with the birds fying,it looked amazing. I would call it the blue artistic canvas. The strong wind blew playfully trying to mess with my hijab,thanks to my pins my hijab remained untouched. Little Samya was busy with her candy while my mind was making virtual scenes of how my expected in laws would be with me in the next few hours.

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