Chapter Sixteen: Welcome to trouble land.

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Salaam lovelies. Here's another package for you. For the next chapter I need thirty comments and then you'll have a chapter in just a few seconds.

"Be sure We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives, and the fruits of your toil. But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Those who say, when afflicted with calamity, 'To Allah we belong, and to Him is our return.' They are those on whom descend blessings from their Lord, and mercy. They are the ones who receive guidance." (2:155-157)

Chapter Sixteen:

Welcome to trouble land.

Nothing beats the goodbyes at the airport, the sombre mood that raided the entire atmosphere. It was really sad but I had to strengthen myself before my parents and not appear like a crybaby.

I witnessed the aeroplane fly with might disappearing into the blue canvas of the sky. I stood at the airport ready to embrace my fate, maybe for a change. I didn't know what was awaiting me outside the airport. I walked slowly with my shoulders fallen, as my eyes searched for a red car that would fetch me from the airport since dad had already spoken to his sister about my stay.

"The plane's taken off already?" A familiar voice asked.

I looked at the diver's seat only to spot a joyful Murad.

"No, they are waiting for the pilot. As in you." I rambled.

"Seems someone's sad," he continued.

"A driver you are, make sure you drive me safely home."I instructed smirking.

He laughed at me starting the engine. Two coughs and the engine was ready. He drove off the road leaving behind a massive cloud of dust. I zoned out thinking of what was awaiting me.

I was ready to welcome anything that came at my way except one serious problem, Murad. He was truly a nuisance and apart from pissing me off, I doubted if there was anything else he could do.

We reached phoupee's home safely. I alighted from the car and walked towards the main entrance. My so called driver had carried my bags for me accompanying me inside.

"Welcome home beta." My aunt said comforting me. "Assalaam aleikum phoupee." I greeted softly giving her a light hug.

She greeted me back directing me to the lounge. "If you are done welcoming this trouble will you tell me where to put this luggage," Murad taunted rolling his eyes.

"The troublemaker will speak for himself, time will tell!" His mom grinned sheepishly.

"It seems that she has shifted here with all this luggage." He spoke shifting his gaze to me.

"With pleasure,"I scoffed at him rolling my eyes.

"Place the luggage in Souha's room. They'll share the room." His mom instructed laughing at my face.

She was a sweet lady but this son of hers ruined the entire scene.

"May I leave ammi?" He spoke tenderly to his mom.

"Yes. The guest seems pissed by your looks. I wonder how you even take your patients son,with all that attitude in your head." She taunted him giving me a high five as we laughed at his face which was soaked in embarrassment.

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