Chapter four: Mr. Trouble

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A man said to the Prophet, 'Give me advice.' The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, 'Do not get angry.' The man asked repeatedly and the Prophet answered each time, 'Do not get angry.'"

Related by Bukhari & Muslim

Chapter four


The world will be a good place to be in,if your dreams,wishes and expectations come true. Otherwise it will equivalent to hell when your expectations hit the rocks.

Looking at what life offers you,sometimes you realise that it is only God who is favouring you. Prayers matter but what matters more, is when Al - Mujeeb the responder to all prayers,answers your prayers in the most beautiful way.

He listens to you and answers you in the best way possible. How beautiful is that he answers you even if you wrong Him. He doesn't withhold your prayers despite what you do.

Even if it is a whisper Allah hears it. He is the most hearing.

Just after writing my journal, a prayer escaped my lips. "Ya Allah whatever you wrote for me make it easy on me. Lighten my burden and make me one of your loved servants."

"Ahem!!" Zara coughed interrupting me and my thoughts. I looked at her and smiled. She was more than a friend,maybe my human diary. She knew me inside out . We had a deep bond that I could never have with anyone else because I found solace in her company and she found family in mine.

"Farhat auntie is calling you. It seems something important." She said winking at me. She giggled at my expressionless face and gave me a pat on my back. I knew what was awaiting me. It was about that proposal which was driving my mother wild.

I walked towards her room and knocked on the door as my heart made some weird beats in me.

"Sit here,we need to tell you something important. " she began.

"Mamma. I know what you want to tell me. Just tell me the key points. Am in a hurry. I need to get Tamanna to her gyno." I uttered fast.

She looked at me and smiled. "Alhamdulillah. His family has agreed to the alliance and tomorrow we would have your engagement since Yahya is travelling and would be back after six months. We will discuss about the wedding just after the engagement is done with." She announced hugging me tightly.

My reaction was just awful since I never expected them to like me. Well,to be sincere I thought this family would reject me but I would thank my lucky stars for what I received was one of the unknowns destiny hid from me.

"Alhamdulillah. Am glad mamma." I sighed.

I excused myself and headed to see my sister. Recently the gynocologist wanted to check her since travelling had really brought problems to her and her unborn baby.

The crying Samya was pacified by my sister in law who took her to the kitchen and I heard her promising Samya a piece of chocolate cake. This kid was surely making people suffer with her countless demands.

"Mabrouk. You deserve the world's happiness. Congrats my baby." My sister said hugging me in a warm embrace.

"Allah yubarik. Now Tammy, enough of this Yahya. We need to see your gyno. I remember you got an appointment today." I reminded her.

We got our abayas on and headed to the hospital.

"You see,in few months you will be married. Yahya is a good guy.  Am sure you'll be happy with him." Tamanna started her daily rant.

"Seriously am not excited about this Yahya. I am not sure if he truly agreed on this proposal." I said softly.

My sister gave me the I-dare-you-to-continue look and I stopped my innerself from explaining my point of view.

"This guy has bewitched you all. He is a normal person. Why can't you see that?" I pointed out turning the vehicle to the left.

"Not everyone is lucky to get such people in their lives. You might see life from another angle but trust me,Mr. Right has to be Mr. Righteous. And Yahya is just amazing." She explained.

"Point taken my lady. Now am convinced okay. Stop this Mr. Right lecture."I spoke jokingly.

Just before I could park the car,a black four wheeled vehicle took the only space and disappointment was all over my face. I wanted to scream at the driver but my sister and her lectures about people stopped me.

I parked the car at a no parking  zone and alighted from it.
From the car emerged a tall,fair,dark haired guy who was dressed in casual clothes.

I couldn't stop my inner ramblings and walked to the reckless driver outside the hospital leaving my sister in the car unfastening her safety belt.

"Ecxuse me. Didn't you see that I was about to park the car here? I almost collided with your vehicle." I chided angrily.

"Take it easy lady. There's no point of getting angry. Look at you huffing with rage. Your face says you are always angry." He chuckled.

"Can't you understand what am telling you. My face says so many things too. It says if you don't behave well with me am gonna kick you." I huffed.

My sister alighted from the car,walking towards us. She heard part of our conversation and hurried to see what was happening.

The guy removed his glasses and greeted my sister." Tamanna aapi. Is this you?" He said.

My sister looked at him as if she was looking for something through his face.

"Mashallah. You have grown this much handsome. Am really awestricken. Murad it's long since I saw you. Around twelve years right. When you and Jannat would fight over candies." Tamanna laughed looking at him.

So this troublemaker was Murad. My cousin. The last time I saw him I was eight years. I still remember him and his disturbing nature. Nothing changed on his face. And here I failed to recognize him admist the crowd.

"Jannat is still this much angry. She has really changed. From the chubby laddoo girl to a tall lady. The change is quite visible." He pointed out.

"Yes. I have really changed. And you don't have to point that out. Murad this is just too much." I spoke trying to sound normal.

"Pass my regards to the entire family." My sister said.

"Enough. Aapi we need to see your gyno. You can talk to him later. " I hinted gazing at my watch.

"By the way you come tomorrow. Jannat is getting engaged." My sister announced as I dragged her to the hospital. Let her announce.

I saw all the expressions on Murad's face fall. He had a blank look on his face and he didn't reply. He walked into the hospital dialling numbers from his phone.

I saw him walk into the psychology department. I diverted my attention to what had brought me to the hospital.


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