Chapter Thirteen : Paper Hearts

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Salaam loves. It's been really long. Hope you enjoyed the chap. Sorry for the late update but of late I was sick and couldn't update but all is well now and here's an update. For more of my writings follow me on instagram :__silent.heart__

Whatever Allah grants to people of mercy - none can withhold it; and whatever He withholds - none can release it thereafter. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. (35:2)

Chapter Thirteen:

Paper Hearts.

Walking into the comfy walls of my room,I dragged myself to my bed, my heart was skipping slow beats as tears flowed down my eyes. Sighing in despair,tasting the feeling of being a loser. Yes,I had lost since fighting with destiny was too tiresome and finally I had to give in. I tried hard to control the ocean of tears filled in my small eyes but the treacherous heart,stabbed me unknowingly causing the tears to flood my face. I felt them washing away my dreams,all the expectations and suddenly I had nothing in hand. The eerie silence of the surrounding mocked my aching heart causing a tornado of mixed emotions churning through my stomach:when the line between the dreams and reality blurs all you expect is just a tear from the eye and the heart crumping in hopelessness.

I sat next to the plank as I pulled my pillow to my embrace. I never expected such turns to pop up but that's what life was all about.  Unknowns. I never knew that my once upon a time best friend would do this to me. The entire family was indoors except Kamaal bhai.  He was hunting Yahya in all nooks and corners. However,I knew all this was useless. In fact,hearing his name replayed all memories in my head. I felt like a fool. Why did he text me? Why did he have to make me fall for him? Why did he have to break me apart especially when he knew what love was? So many questions spinned in my head,I felt weak.

Soaking the pillow in tears,I sobbed loudly. I was still in my wedding dress and the henna on my palms bore witness to the pain I felt that moment. It was as if my heart was being torn apart. My entire world of dreams came falling apart. The dreams I once had of me and Yahya together! Now I regretted meeting him. I regretted having texted him.
You'd call it a heartbreak but for me it was when my world burnt down to ashes. The sound of my shattering dream haunted  me. He was my almost and this is what I regretted most. Him being my almost!!!

I wish I knew what was awaiting me. Texting him!! Why did I text him? I lamented cursing the very day I lay my hands on my phone texting this guy. He was no longer the special person I cherished with every single beat of my heart. He was just a random guy who passed by my life sweeping it helter skelter.
I couldn't blame the stranger I thought I'd share my life with. He was a total stranger. But what about her? The one I grew with,the girl I thought I knew for eons. I guess I was wrong about her. In fact I knew nothing about her. Why was life such a maze?

Spotting my prayer mat I made a quick ablution. I prayed two rakaas while my heart crumpled with pain. Sobbing tirelessly in sujuud I vented my emotions to the only one who resides in the mighty heavens Al Jabbar. The mender of all hearts. He was my only resort. I cried out to him and somehow this had a magical effect on my wounds. It soothed my aching heart and calmed my sobs to sighs.

I picked up myself retiring to bed. It was three in the morning. In the past six months these wee hours would be my favourite hours of the day. The very hours I was texting that scumbag of a human. I regretted wasting my time on such a person who could even think of my well-being let alone loving me back.

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