Chapter Twenty Five : Healed wounds.

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And be steadfast in patience, for verily Allah will not suffer the reward of the righteous to perish. (11 :115) Qur'an.

Chapter Twenty Five:

Healed wounds.

Its amazing how time heals what seems never to let you breath in peace, how you look at your scars with affection because they shape you to what you are. Its pretty amazing to realise that pain is temporary. Wounds do heal, its just a matter of time. Sometimes, time is what we require and that's what will always be amiss.

This world is just but a temporary place filled with sadness, if you were to taste happiness on it, you'd be amongst the chosen few because you'd never have a chance to be happy in both worlds. Dunya- how I wish I wasn't lost in it. This temporary place filled with so many things in them. Including the choices we ought to make. Although everything has been planned before hand, we have the chance to choose for ourselves. We can't let everything happen without putting our efforts in them. 

Qadar, how many of us blame our actions on it? How many mistakes do we make in the name of Qadar? Humans are bestowed with free will, but they will always seek for an excuse to all their shortcomings. A student will not study and fail yet he will say it wasn't destined for him to pass. But you, I don't want to lose you and blame it on Qadar. I don't even want  to think of what will happen to me if I had to lose you.

If I were to choose you, you'll always be in my priority list, in fact I'd let go of all choices and you'll be my only preference. I will choose you again and again, in a million lifetimes, because you are what makes me happy, you are what I will always pray for, your happiness, your wellbeing and your safety. For you, a thousand lifetimes won't be enough, may Jannah be our final abode.

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