Chapter Twenty One: The best of the planners

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Assalaam aleikum,
I feel so bad for not updating on time, I am back now and I hope you are all well my loyal readers :*

So here's a chapter for you all,
Share the story with your friends, vote. Am eagerly waiting for your comments
Happy reading<3

And [remember, O Muhammad], when those who disbelieved plotted against you to restrain you or kill you or evict you [from Makkah]. But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners. (Qur'an)

Chapter twenty one:
The best of the planners.

Dear heart,

Love will visit you again dear heart, when it does, don't let your corners be exposed again. You'll love, it will be real but learn not to reveal it, for the people will not always want the best for you.

Glad tidings may come upon you. You'll be happy again and you'll see beyond blue canvas of the sky that the Bestower has something for you. Dear heart, learn to accept it but more so, learn to keep it safe. Not all things stay, unless you build them a home in your heart. People come and go but your Creator stays. He is with you. He sees what you can't visualise and maybe, its time to be happy again.

Is the night a shroud of blackness or a soft velvet cloak? Does the wintry wind chill your bones or awaken your spirit? Do spring flowers simply die or are their petals the most beautiful of confetti? Does icy rain steal your joy or steel your resolve? Are children expensive or priceless? Is a friend in need a problem or a blessing - a rare opportunity to show that your love for them is real?

Dear heart, You have suffered enough, you have gone through a lot but that doesn't mean that pain is eternal. Your dreams have shattered even before they grew their wings for flight. I am proud of you for being the person you are despite the difficulties in your life.

More opportunities will come, more people will enter your life. You'll experience many thrills but what remains at the end of the day is you. Stay true to yourself, make yourself a priority. Because not everyone will stick up with you, love yourself to the fullest. Because pain is seasonal. Love yourself, the rest will follow.

Courage, dear heart.

I had agreed to this alliance and for the first time in a while, I felt genuinely happy. My family was happy with this and this is what mattered most. Family comes first.

The engagement was to be held today evening, I didn't panic at all but then one thing raced my heart and disturbed my brain. I really wanted to know why he was marrying me. I wanted to talk, express my concerns and douse the doubts that kept burning my insides.

I chose a simple dress for this occasion and mind you, phoupee was very particular about clothes. I didn't want her to scrutinise my clothes and dive further to grow unnecessary concerns.


I looked at him, his gaze fixed on mine, it was intense, I felt my adrenaline pick pace making my heart skip wild beats. He smiled, and looked away. Our families seemed happy with this alliance and I could see it from their looks.

"You'll be happy with him, that I can promise you. Just make him happy too," Kamaal spoke softly as he put his hand on mine. I looked at his set of brown eyes that were glistened with happy tears, I guess my brother was happy for me.

However, his statement brought me back to the memory lane, when I heard Murad confessing about his feelings. That day, how could I forget about it.

I was quick to repel the thoughts and brought myself back to the scene. "That's my obligation bhai," I answered him and looked at the ring that rested on my finger. It was simple yet so beautiful, it wasn't a mere ring, that was a promise, more of a commitment and I started to like the feeling that arose once the ring slid on my finger.

Talk of butterflies, they were dead, along time ago but today, I don't know where they all came from. I felt the urge to scream and shout yet I kept mum and let them marge in my tummy.

" I hope you'll keep my daughter happy with you," dad talked to Murad.
"Don't worry uncle, the only tears that will be allowed to come from her eyes will be those of happiness. Otherwise, I promise to love her to the end of eternity." He promised and I felt the skin on my cheeks burn as I curved a small smile appreciating his efforts.

"Jannat, you'll take care of my son eeh, I pray that you both be the coolness of each others eyes and know no separation from one another," his mom spoke as she hugged me planting a kiss on my forehead.

"His happiness will be mine henceforth. Don't worry phuopee, mission Murad takes off," I chuckled to ease the atmosphere that was killing my insides with ecstasy.

He smiled, the billion dollar smile that awoke all the dead cells in me. I wished I'd see him smile like this forever yet I felt so much pain all at once. He accepted me despite knowing that I had loved someone before him. That must have hurt him as much as it stung me right now.
I needed to voice out my concerns and talked to my bhabi about it. She arranged a small meeting for us, we were accompanied by my brother and Sara to the gazebo in the garden.

"Is this your decision?" I asked quickly biting my tongue as I looked away.

"Of course," he talked clearly. His voice tickled my heart, it began its marathon making me blush so awkwardly before the pairs of eyes around me.

"You know what happened and despite that you have..." I started talking and he interrupted me.

"It was the past, a past that we both should ignore and move on. We can't let it win over us, I promise you that I will take care of you, that shouldn't be a concern. I hope you'll reciprocate the same for me." He said softly.

I was awe struck. How could he be so confident and calm while here, I was battling with words to speak.

I smiled and responded to him, "I promise."

I was done with the list of questions that I had once planned to ask him but due to my worrisome condition, the questions evaporated from my head and I was just eloquent with the two.

"I have nothing to ask you, although I want to know if you are happy with this. If not we can pull out of it now. Its not late ," he explained.

"I am happy, alhamdulillah."

"Brother, brave yourself this girl is stressful. She is all trouble trapped in that mischievous smile. I wish you all the luck in the world." Kamaal patted Murad as his chuckled loudly.

I rolled my eyes while Sara laughed silently at his remark.

It felt so good to hear him promise me an eternity of happiness, I felt happy and blessed. We all planned, but this was out of all my plans. Truly Allah is the best of the planners.

That evening, before I hit the bed, an anonymous email made entry into my laptop. I couldn't trace the sender, I peeped into the email and couldn't believe what my eyes just saw.

It wasn't suppose to happen this way, even if they had wronged me. It was not the way I had imagined it to be. Another mess had cropped up, just after the wave of happiness that hit us a while ago.

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