Chapter five : The silent heart

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Allah made it but a message of hope for you, and an assurance to your hearts: (in any case) there is no help except from Allah.The Exalted, the Wise: (2:126)

Chapter Five :

The silent heart

I sat near my bed looking at the setting sun. A lot had changed and with the time flying,it seemed that we had also changed drastically. Who would believe that it was just the other day I was born and played in this house.

"Mamma,Murad snatched my dolls. Talk to that boy." I cried pulling the ends of my mother's hijab. She wiped my tears and gave me a lolly instead.

"Strong girls don't cry. You are not a baby. You are mamma's warrior." She pacified kissing my chubby cheeks.

"She isn't any worrior. She's a laddoo. Jaan the fatso!!"Murad screamed making faces at me.

I started chasing him and he was really fast. I fell with a thud on the dusty ground and wailed sharply. He came very fast to my aid and lifted my chubby face with his small hands.

"Don't cry Jannat. See your tears will fall on my hands and they will make you skinny and ugly. You are Jaan,the warrior." He said pulling me up.

His eyes had a tale in them and his words played magic on my face. He wiped my tears and held my hand. "But you say am a laddoo." I added whining.

"Who cares. We all love the chubby Jannat. Now stand and walk. I was too dumb to tease you. Beside if I upset you,the moment you sit on me I will be dead." He chuckled.

I laughed so hard and forgot about my bruised arm. He helped me to the kitchen and Tamanna bandaged my wounds as Murad comforted me by making funny faces.

That incident was still etched in my head. The happenings were still fresh in my mind and the old mango tree outside our house brought all the nostalgic moments which I brushed them away with a smile on my face.

Indeed,a lot had really changed. However,deep down my heart I kept the box of memories alive and when they surfaced I relived the old sweet moments with a smile and sometimes I'd hug the old tree and reminisce each moment of my childhood.

It was sunset. I watched with an unwavering gaze, as a fiery red orb of light slowly sank beneath the horizon, and threads of light lingered in the sky, mingling with the rolling clouds, dyeing the heavens first orange, then red, then dark blue, until all that was left of the sunset was a chalky mauve, and then that melted away in turn as stygian darkness took over the sky. Sequin-silver stars like the glowing embers of a dying fire winked down at me, illuminating the atramentous curtain of sky, and then suddenly the clouds parted, and I found myself looking at a lustrous, argent disc casting brilliant rays of moonlight onto the dark grounds.


"Is this how you want look on your sister's engagement party. You are not serious. Trust me you are not."I rambled at Zara who stared at my face blankly.

"My moods are just off. Please if you don't mind I just want to be alone." She pleaded hopelessly.

"Ma'am it's my engagement. Not your physics teacher's class. How can I go if you aren't with me. "I cried dramatically.

She plastered a small smile on her face and patted on my shoulders. "It's your day darling. Enjoy every moment of it."

She made her way out of the house and her absence was filled by so many questions that invaded my mind which currently I had no answers to.

My gang of girls filled the room with their loud voices and giggles.
"Already thinking of Mr.Right." Nasim teased shaking me vigourously from the world of questions that I had entered a while ago.

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