Chapter Nineteen: Fear of the unknown

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So here's another chapter lovelies.
I know most of you will love it ;)
For the next one the demand's gonna be a bit pricey :p

Let's make it to 20 votes and thirty comments.

A big shout out to those who are sharing this story.

Happy Reading <3

O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.(Quran)

Chapter Nineteen:

Fear of the unknown

Eid celebrations are the best, family gatherings, lots of pranks and to add on the fun, outings were the best part of it all. My parents were returning a week later and due to the eid holidays, Kamaal and Sara came two days earlier. It was a great feeling to have them back, especially when my little bro Asif, was not granted permission for the holidays. Schooling in the non muslim school had its perks and its own banes, it's upon you to place this situation in its correct bracket.

Going back home a day before eid was a big pain! Lots of preparations were awaiting me. Let alone the massive shopping for the entire occasion. This was truly a pain when you hated going out let alone venturing into the streets and doing the shopping. I was prepared to do this with the help of my friends, they were my saviours for the time being, otherwise when my family was around, I would just lazy all day long and let Sarah and mom do the required shopping.

"Is this even necessary," i wined looking at the dresses and the abayas. "I can have my eid the best way in my comfortable PJs, like i don't mean to disagree but eid is just fun when you can happily have the control of your entire day."

"You are the laziest organism on earth, let Farhat auntie come and we will tell her about this bad behaviour of yours." Naseem threatened jokingly. "This is so much pain," I complained groaning. "It's not a pain you lazy goat, this is called perks of being a lady, you do lots of shopping and it has a great impact on your mind, trust me," Iram said laughing. 

"I think I am in the wrong circle," I shuddered. A lot had to be done today before receiving Kamaal and Sarah from the airport. I finished this shopping business and went back home, dusting the windows and cleaning the entire house. It was seven in the evening and miraculously I had finished all the chores. I took a deep breath, before relaxing on the sofa. Suddenly the door bell went off, i moaned again as i dragged my feet pulling the hijab to cover my head. My feet were soar and my head was hurting. Migraines!! This was the worst problem I ever encountered.

"This had to be you! Always depriving others of their peace of mind," I huffed looking at the person who was standing with half a smile on the doorstep. "Really, do I come so often in your thoughts that it snatches all the mindless ideas you harbour in that small brain?" he smirked leaning on the handle. "Are you intending to break the hinge?"  I asked raising my eyebrows scrutinising the guy.

"Come on Jannat, that should apply to you," he teased laughing at me. "Yeah yeah," I said sarcastically ushering him inside. "What's brought you here at this hour of the day Murad?" I questioned looking at the clock. "Ammi has sent this for you, I don't know what it holds but i think its food for the night since you are tired," he said 

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