Chapter twelve : The vast reality.

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perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.(2:216).

Chapter Twelve :

The vast reality

Running after me was Murad and Kamaal bhai. We were chasing butterflies and it happened that the two mischievous fellas got a millipede,put it on a stick and they were after my life scaring me with the insect.
I was running panting heavily since my weight was another  problem apart from the havoc that these two were creating. My face reddened as I screamed to the top of my voice. Let me tell you,these two never spared a moment without troubling me.

I ran to the Jasmine shrub near our garage and hid myself putting my tiny plumpy hands on my mouth. My heart was skipping wildly as sweat trickled down my forehead. I witnessed them passing by the shrub,with their stick in hand,on seeing that,the coward me cried silently shivering under the jasmine shrub.

Just after they left,I tried to move out of the shrub but it seemed like in one way or another I couldn't be spared that day. A huge caterpillar was wriggling on my arm. I gave out a loud shriek attracting my so called enemies to know my whereabouts.

Kamaal helped me out of the shrub,Murad was busy killing the small creature calling it all sort of names. I was in a horrible state. My hand was burning in pain forming lumps on my skin.

Kamaal rushed in to call mom while Murad came to my help. He spread some ash that he found outside the kitchen on my burning hand that helped me a great deal. He put his hands on my shoulders taking me in.

He was my best friend. Actually that's nothing. Because looking for the exact word to name him would take me a whole eternity. He'd scare me to tears and he'd be the first one to wipe them off from my face.  We had a strange bond hence he called me his 'frenemy'. Friend and enemy.

I looked at the old photos from our album. Those memories replayed in my head making me reminsce all memories. They were the sweet old memories that made me happy whenever I was sad. I closed the album with a small smile on my face heading towards the wardrobe. The long awaited day was here.

I dressed in my heavy ghagra. The make up girls decked me up fully and I must admit,I couldn't recognize myself either. I stared at my reflection from the mirror admiring myself. Wow! A lot had really changed. Ties,bonds and relations too had changed. I was no longer the small scared girl who would hide behind her mother's dupatta.

I walked outside my room heading to Sara bhabi.  She was the one who would accompany me downstairs helping me with the heavy dress to the car. As I neared the room I heard Kamaal speaking to Murad. I couldn't believe that actually he came for my wedding. This is the only thing that bothered me but alhamdulillah it was also solved.

"Attending her wedding is the most painful thing in this world. Maybe you cannot understand what am feeling but trust me when you are on the verge of losing someone so dear,the entire world  seems to be a foreign land. I will be strong for her sake. "I heard Murad assuring my brother. 

"Allah will replace your grief with something better. Now cheer up mate." Kamaal encouraged wobbly.  I stepped into the room,my face flushed in astonishment. I was shocked.  So this was what the reality was all about. Why did it have to be this way?I asked myself biting my lips. The two guys stared at me in disappointment. Why did everything seem to be out of place?

Murad didn't deserve this. I admit that he was cocky but destiny had played a dirty trick on him. He deserved someone who would understand him fully and picturing myself in what I just heard seemed impossible. I felt pity for him. My eyes glistened in tears as they met his.

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