3) A Message To All Parents

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It is so sad to know that the people, who are meant to be your emotional support, are actually the ones who behave as if they are the ones meant to disturb you emotionally.

Family doesn't mean a couple and their children but actually a few emotionally bonded and emotionally supportive human beings. There are times when a member of this family or two unintentionally instead of understanding others problems or what is the reason for his problem, start finding faults in the person itself. I mean come on; God hasn't sent you to criticize me but to help me. Nothing feels worse than parent himself saying that the child is acting this way to gain sympathy.

I guess the problem arises because they never try to grow up with their children. Why can't they understand that even when child grows up or is in the process, he still needs emotional nurturing. Nothing can break a child's heart more than when his parents try to convince him how or in what ways are some other children better.

I just want to tell them all that JUST BLOODY STOP THIS !!! If this is what you were going to do, kill him emotionally by breaking his self esteem, in a way killing him slowly, why didn't you kill him right in the womb? Did you ever pray to god that 'Give me worlds smartest kid '? No right? Then stop criticizing for God's sake!

Without you knowing your child holds so many things within. Memories of so many horrifying instances that you probably don't even know you were a part of.

Another worse thing that parents do is 'pretend '. Yes, pretend in the sense create a hallucination about yourself in child's mind, expecting that is what your child is going to idealize you like. Once the same child grows, cracks start developing to that image. As he understands that all those small small things he felt guilty of doing, were also what his parents did.

While growing up, a child actually wants friends not parents who are no less than dictators! But this never happens and this in turn gives birth to strained relations between parents and children.

This discussion is endless, but the sole warning to parents remains that once done, anything that disturbs or hurts their child emotionally and mentally can never be undone. Unfortunately there is no medicine for that wound but time. Give children enough time to explore themselves and this world. As it is once they reach a particular age, even they have to join this rat race and work hard and at the end finally die a fun and joy unquenched life.

Almost every day I feel, it would have been so awesome if we still lived like stone aged people. No expectations from parents and pressure from society was probably the main reason for people living so long.

But now the only thing that you as parent can do is talk to your child. A talk that does not include his career, problems, etc., but rather a chat about all the fun you together had. Once in a while or at least once parents should talk and say sorry for whatever they think they shouldn't have done to the child.

Believe me this will heal the injuries of your relation, and your child will always remember this thing and carry forward this to next generations. This will bring a drastic change in the orthodox image of a parent.

So right from this instant stop being just a parent and become a friend and support.
Kudos to this eternal parent – child friendship

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