6 | what's on tv?

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Back in the mountain, M'gann was making a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Kaldur was helping her wash the bowls covered with leftover cookie dough. Robin was keeping Superboy company by watching static on TV with him.

Superboy suddenly heard voices from outside the mountain, but he ignored them since it wasn't uncommon for people to visit the mountain for camping or picnics.

Then he heard a loud explosion. "What was that?" He mumbled. Robin overheard the clone.

"What are you talking about, Superboy?" The Boy Wonder asked.

Conner faced him. "I heard an explosion from outside," he said, getting M'gann and Kaldur's attention.

"Robin, can you hack into the security system?" Kaldur asked.

"Already hacked it," Robin said proudly. His hologlove showed the footage of Kid Flash talking to a girl in an archer uniform. She looked like a female Green Arrow. They were talking until an explosion blew up. Luckily, the camera wasn't destroyed so the team saw a masked man who took their teammate and the archer girl away.

Robin scanned the man with the gray mask and found out his identity.

"Sportsmaster," Robin gritted through his teeth.


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