1 | we all scream for ice cream

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For the third time that day, Artemis grabbed the whipped cream can and sprayed some in her mouth when she thought no one was looking. Any normal person would say she was a lazy cashier who had no regard for the health code. Only one of those assumptions is true.

Artemis was not a cashier at the ice cream parlor in Happy Harbour's mall. Health code be damned. She had a much more important job at the moment.

She raked her hand through her brunette wig. Artemis knew she couldn't risk people seeing her true appearance. If things went south, it would be better to have fewer people caught in the crossfire.

It was almost 5:30. When she 'applied' for a job, the parlor's owner had bragged about the ice cream being so good, the speedster from Central City came by for some every Tuesday. Artemis, of course, already knew this.

The door chimed and a blur of yellow and red sped in. It was Kid Flash. She only needed one out of the five sidekicks, and he came to her with a smile on his face.

She was smiling too. Everything was going accordingly to plan. It was time to put her acting skills to use.

"Oh my god!" Artemis shrieked. "You're Kid Flash!"

The speedster smirked and casually leaned on the counter. "Wow, you got the name right. You don't know how long I've waited for some recognition."

Recognising her enemies was a part of her training. Kid Flash seems happy to be known which is a big mistake for him (not that he denies it anyway; just look at his suit).

"Of course I know who you are. You're the Flash's sidekick," Artemis said. She knew calling him a sidekick would trigger him and it did.

He crossed his arms in an 'X' and shook his head. "No, no, no. Not sidekick. I'm his protégé," Kid Flash corrected her.

"Oh," Artemis forced herself to sound shocked. "I'm so sorry for offending you."

She reached for an ice cream scooper. "Let me make it up to you. A free ice cream cone. As many flavors as you want. Unlimited scoops," Artemis almost believed her genuine tone.

"I'm not sure. I mean, I do have to stay in shape," Kid Flash said as he flexed his biceps. Artemis tried her hardest not to roll her eyes to the back of her head.

She had to sweeten the deal. "Oh, come on. I'll even throw in the super secret flavors."

He paused which was something speedsters tended not to do. "What super secret flavors?" Kid Flash interrogated her.

"The ones in the back room," she smirked, "for the employees only, but I can make an expection."

Artemis turned and gestured for him to follow. Kid Flash jumped over the counter and stuck to her side.

Her nerves were killing her and not just because of her task. In all honesty, Artemis was mostly nervous about him being so close. She could hear his breathing patterns. They were faster than an ordinary person's would be. Artemis glanced at him. She noticed his green eyes were lit up with excitement.

How could someone be so excited about ice cream? Before today, Artemis was never allowed treats. The League of Shadows has a strict diet the assassins must maintain in order to keep their physique one hundred percent. Today, though, Artemis tried a few spoons of the ice cream. It was good, but too sweet for her liking.

"Sooo," Kid Flash said impatiently, "the ice cream?"

Artemis blinked. "Right here." She grabbed a plastic tube from the 'ice cream' machine.

She pointed the tube at Kid Flash's face. Artemis took a deep breath and pushed a button, knowing well it was not going to be spewing out ice cream.

Kid Flash gasped. The look he gave Artemis made her feel guilty. He collapsed to his knees and Artemis held him so he would make too much noise. His green eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Her plan had worked. He breathed in the knockout gas. The effects wouldn't last long on him. She had to complete her assignment soon.

Artemis had to kill Kid Flash.


so, i'm your ninja boyfriend, huh?    /   spitfireWhere stories live. Discover now