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My leather boots squeezed my calves as I pulled the strings tighter, knowing they would have to cling like gloves in order to stay on. After the boots were secure, I tucked my black shirt into my jeans and checked myself in the mirror.

I didn't like the way the uniform made me look. I didn't like how masculine I always felt when I caught glimpses of my reflection. Of course, it didn't matter what I thought or felt. My life wasn't up to me. It never had been and never would be.

The cot across the small room remained empty. If I was male, it would be occupied with a roommate. I was the only female guardian, however, so I got a room to myself. What once seemed like a blessing often felt like a lonely curse these days.

On my way out of the room, I grabbed my two knife sheaths and hooked one to the hip of my jeans and the other around my thigh. Then I strapped my gun holster around my hips and picked up my pistol. All fourteen rounds of the cartridge were occupied. I nestled the gun into the holster and left my bedroom.

Someone let out a shrill whistle behind me, and I turned to face the caller. Isaac was smirking as he approached. Smiling in spite of myself, I rolled my eyes.

"The lovely lady has emerged," he remarked with a regal bow.

"And so has the fairest prince of the them all," I quipped. "Where's your sidekick?"

"Seth? Please. He isn't worthy to be my sidekick."

"Whatever you say."

We walked alongside each other down the hall. This was the residential wing for the king's guardians. There were twenty-five of us total. A few other of our counterparts were heading to the mess hall as well.

"I heard there has been an emergency meeting called in Wainsworth," Isaac said, nudging my hip with his. "We may be escorting the king there today."

"Cool." I kept my eyes trained ahead, a habit instilled in me since childhood.

"Cool? Aren't you excited?"


Scoffing, he blew out an exaggerated sigh. "I see why you have no friends, Aph. You're made of stone."

"Sure am," I retorted before breaking my mask of soberness to crack a smile.

"You women." He shook his head in incredulity.

We emerged from the guardian wing and entered the main hall of the castle. Servants were rushing and maids were rushing about, trying to stay out of everyone else's way. There was rarely a dull moment in the castle.

The mess hall wasn't a far walk, so we reached it in less time than it took for Isaac to complain about Seth. They were not only roommates but also brothers. Normally they were inseparable, which was why I thought it unusual that Seth wasn't with us.

Eggs and sausage was served for breakfast with a side of broccoli. The king's nutritionist demanded that every meal of ours consisted of protein and vegetables. No sugar, of course. That was one of few things I disliked about being a guardian; I missed sugar.

Isaac and I had just taken our seats at one of the three long wood tables when the rear doors to the mess hall swung open. It took all of the present guardians by surprise. The rear doors were rarely ever used. Samson, the lead guardian, came marching in with Seth on his heels.

"What's going on?" Isaac whispered to me as if I would know.

I shrugged but didn't tear my gaze away from the newcomers. They radiated a sense of urgency.

"Attention, please!" Samson declared, though everyone was already silent. "King Zacharias has called for an emergency assembly at the Wainsworth Estate. Our presence has been requested for the journey. Report to the carriage dock at the end of the hour."

With a single, curt nod, he fled the mess hall. Seth followed after him. I looked down at my watch. We had fifteen minutes to finish breakfast before having to leave.

"I told you!" Isaac whispered. "We're going on the road today, sweetheart."

My lips slightly curled. "Guess we are after all."

A King's GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now