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"Would you just shut it already?" I hissed, trying but failing to mask my blush.

"Sorry," Isaac apologized unrepentantly. "You just look...different."

"Yeah, I know. Now help me into the cart before someone notices."

He offered his arm, which I used to propel myself into the back of the cart. Thankfully, the cart was covered. I hoped it would shield me should the king suddenly appear like he tended to do. Isaac wedged himself into the narrow space beside me and two more guardians piled into the second row of the cart. Each cart was manned by one of the Estate's staff. It felt odd to be a passenger. I was used to being the help.

My body was stiff with a held breath until our procession of carts made it safely off the property. Once the Estate gates were behind us, I relaxed. Isaac noticed.

"I thought you would be like that all night," he remarked.

I narrowed my eyes on him but didn't speak. There was no way to respond to such an annoying claim—mostly because I could understand its foundations. He leaned closer and the strong aroma of his aftershave assaulted my nostrils. Cringing back into the seat, my nose wrinkled.

"What?" His eyes darkened in offense.

"You stink."

"I do not."

Sighing, I shrugged.

"How is it that I only get criticism in return for compliments? You, Apphia, lack ladylike manners."

"What a misfortune that must seem to you," I replied.

He scoffed in disbelief and rolled his eyes. We didn't exchange words until the cart rolled to a stop a few minutes later. Isaac fled the cart without so much as a backward glance at me, so I was fortunate Seth came to my aid.

"Can't have you tearing that lovely skirt," he said while assisting me out of the cart.

My eyes roved the cobble street and bright city lights. Everything was so bright and alive. Seth's hand in mine reminded me I wasn't alone.

"Thank you," I told him.

"You are very welcome, Apphia. You look stunning, you know."

"Thanks." My cheeks warmed. "Don't think I didn't notice the gel in your hair. It looks nice that way."

Like most of the other guardians, he had shaved and now wore a clean undershirt along with the black trousers they usually wore with our guardian regalia. They still closely resembled our true selves while I looked like a different person.

Samson began to speak before our conversation could continue. "We will meet back here again in five hours to return to the Estate. If you are not here, you will have to find another way back. Luck be to the man who finds himself outside the gates so late into the eve."

My eyes instinctively flickered down to my wrist where my watch sat. I frowned. The princess must have removed it, and only now did I notice. When had she managed to do that? I clenched my teeth in irritation.

"Now," Samson added, "you are relieved of your duties. I think you will find Wainsworth abundant in opportunity."

He didn't need to say anything else; the guardians dispersed in different directions. I stumbled after Isaac with Seth at my side. As much as I disliked Isaac's company, I preferred it over the other guardians. He felt more like family than the others.

"So what was it this time?" Seth inquired as we followed Isaac onto a different avenue.

"What do you mean?" I looked over at him. He really did look nice. The city lights seemed to bring out a shine in his eyes.

"What happened with my brother? He's really upset."

"It could be anything. You know better than me how easily he is set off."

Meeting my gaze, his brows lifted. "Perhaps, but I think not. Did you insult him, Apphia?"

My jaw fell open. "Why do you assume his ill temper is my doing?"

"Well, if you haven't noticed, he becomes particularly irritable when you disregard him."

I hadn't noticed such an absurd observation. Even if there was even a small chance it could be proven, I couldn't control Isaac's mood swings. Unpredictability was an attribute he prided himself on.

"He was not pleased that I did not return the favor of a compliment," I admitted. "I suppose I couldn't put that past him."

"Most likely. Why don't you ever indulge him, Apphia? Just to humor him as friends should?"

My stare became skeptical and almost defensive. "Indulge him? Now why should I ever wish to do that?"

We sternly studied each other until Isaac himself began to speak. Our heads flicked up to acknowledge him.

"Found a pub, you intolerable beings," he said. "I would very much like a pint of something exceptionally strong. If you two would like to sit out on the street all night, then be my guest."

With that, he stormed into the crowded pub. A plume of tobacco smoke floated out of the door and mingled with the cool night air. I had never been a fan of tobacco, but many of the guardians chewed or smoked it. Though eyes never failed to water, I had mostly gotten over my perpetual annoyances with the substance.

Seth grabbed my arm when I moved to enter the pub. Turning back to face him, I slowly pulled my limb from his grasp. He took a deep breath.

"Just consider being a little more fair to him, would you?" he asked. "Do it for me, if no one else."

I didn't understand why this seemed so important to him, but I was beginning to believe I couldn't understand anything anymore. The people in my life continued to do things and ask things of me that I couldn't comprehend as rational. My only hope was that my efforts helped make someone's life better, though it certainly was not my own.

"Fine," I consented at last. "Your intentions are beyond me, but I'll make the extra effort to appease Isaac for you."

That steadfast smile rose to Seth's face, making it appear as though the satisfied curl of his lips had been there all along. His capacity for enjoyment in all circumstances puzzled me with a sliver of envy.

"Very well then." Linking our arms together, he led me into the smoky pub.

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