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I was sitting on the front steps of the bar, staring at the dust swirling up off the dark pavement in the night breeze when the peace was disturbed. The sound of wood wheels turning against the asphalt drew my attention. A cart from the Castle came hustling up the street in my direction. I only knew it was property of the King because of the crown emblem painted on the side and the curtain of silk fabric hanging over the top. Tensing, I rose to my feet.

Jerry emerged from the swinging bar doors behind me, though his silence meant he was taking in the approacher as well. I waited to breathe until the cart came to a stop just feet away from where I stood. My heart was panicking in expectation of the king to step out and pierce me with those dark eyes. Eyes that had haunted my dreams for months now. But as the fabric was brushed to the side by the driver, an older man with silver hair stepped out of the cart. I felt immense disappointment at recognizing one of the king's advisors.

"Apphia," he greeted while he took a few steps closer to me. Two guards stood post beside the cart and watched me with unnerving scrutiny, though I didn't know either of them.

"Can we help you?" Jerry inquired. He had moved to my side at some point and now rested his hand on my shoulder.

"The King has been notified of the incident that ensued a few hours ago," the advisor told us. "He has requested Apphia's presence for assistance in further identifying the threat of the boars."

My mind briefly reflected on the chaos that had broken out at the fight ring early tonight, and the horror of watching people torn to pieces. It took law enforcement half an hour to corner the boar, but they had only been able to kill it when I slid under the beast's belly and sliced it open with Ryan's dagger. My skin still reeked of the animal's blood and guts, in spite of the hot bath I had already taken.

"And how might she be able to assist the king in this matter?" Jerry asked petulantly.

"She now has experience in killing one. And she has also been on-sight for every boar attack, which raises certain suspicions."

"Why would they be targeting me?" I said, crossing my arms. It was a question I had been mulling over since I first saw the leather collar tonight.

"That is one of the essential pieces of the investigation."

"What if she doesn't want to go?" This came from Ryan, who now stood on the other side of me.

I couldn't help but glance over at him, shocked that he would intervene. What did it matter to him if I wanted to leave or not? He was the one who so kindly doubted my trust in Jerry.

"Then she may decline..." The older man scratched his thinning hair and sighed before adding, "However, the king would not be very appreciative of that. He was insistent that you come, Apphia."

"Well, she is under my care, so we will need to discuss this," Jerry said. "How long until she has to decide?"

"Within the next few minutes, preferably."

Scoffing, Jerry rolled his eyes and turned me to face him. "Step into the bar with me for a moment?"

I nodded and glanced over my shoulder at the advisor once more as I was hauled through the swinging doors. Ryan followed us, though he stood by the door and kept one eye outside. Meanwhile, Jerry pulled out a chair from one of his tables and gently pushed me into it. My head was a swirling mess of emotion and deliberation.

"What do you think?" he asked me.

"Think about what?" I replied, studying his face.

His brows and lips turned down in frustration. "About going, of course. I know you're a bit shook up from the boar attack earlier, but—"

"I have to go, Jerry." I didn't know I had already decided. Oh well. "It's not like I can't come back. Once we figure out who is training the boars, I can come back. The king can't allow me to stay anyway. I'll have to leave—"

"You want to go, don't you?" Ryan asked.

I paused, breathless, and looked up at him. The last six months I had spent pouring my energy and determination into being the best street fighter in the entire kingdom. At least that was something I could excel in, that I could be good at. Now I was wondering if that had been enough. If it would ever be enough.

"If you leave now," Jerry told me, his hand on my shoulder, "I cannot guarantee you a position with me when you come out. I will have to find a new fighter immediately. You understand that, don't you?"

Uncertain of myself, I nodded. "I understand."

"Alright. Then do as you would please, Little Lady."

This was it. I was going back to the Castle, the last place I ever expected myself to return to. My lungs filled with a deep breath while I stood from the chair. Ryan stared blankly at me, and Jerry almost appeared...emotional?

"I'll go gather my things," I decided.

After I had packed up what few clothes and other possessions I had accumulated over the last few months, I slung the pack over my shoulder and scooped up my bag of coins. I wasn't sure how much I would need at the Castle or even if I would be allowed to stay there during the investigation, but I knew I couldn't keep all that I had. Jerry had been more than generous with giving me shares of my winnings while also allowing me to stay for free. I was only supposed to stay for a few weeks, but he had allowed me to stay for months. My future would have been bleak without him.

Ryan and Jerry were standing by the door when I came down the stairs. I smiled weakly and made my way towards them. My fingers were trembling for some reason. Was I scared? Why would I be scared?

"It's a pity to see you go," Jerry said. "You've become like a daughter to me, Apphia."

"I know." I hugged him with one arm before drawing back to offer the bag of coins. "I took enough out to last me awhile. I want you to have the rest."

"What for?"

"For leaving so abruptly without notice. It may take you awhile to find another fighter, so this should get you by."

Tears pricked his eyes. "You may need it more than me, though."

"The king won't let me starve," I assured him with a more authentic smile. I took his hand and placed the cloth bag into his palm. "Don't worry about me, Jerry."

Ryan straightened when I turned towards him. "Nice knowing you, Guardian."

"Likewise." I chuckled. "Don't go so easy on your next sparring partner."

"As if," he muttered.

After I kissed his cheek, I gave them both a sorrowful look before pushing towards the door. I might change my mind if I hesitated. I couldn't let my mind dwell on meeting the king again. What would we even say to each other?

"You made the right choice," the advisor whispered as I left the bar behind me, trading its comfort for the brisk night air. 

A King's GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now