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I didn't think my heart had stopped racing since I climbed into the cart with the advisor. Now, I stood in the grand hall, alone and left to wait for the king to join me. Part of me wished I could've at least met him in his office, where I could sit and chew my fingernails while I waited. All I could currently do was wander between the massive bay windows and stare at the portraits of the king's ancestors.

My breaths were coming steadily, albeit shallow, when I suddenly heard the door at the end of hall. I spun around and instinctively tensed. Two Guardians strolled briskly into the space, and I saw past their back uniforms right away. Isaac's eyes were boring into me, and Seth couldn't quite seem to looked directly at me. My stomach fell. Then I realized there was another figure behind them, towering over them with his enormous frame. A shiver ran from my head to my toes.

No one uttered a sound until their boots came to a halt just before me. When I mustered to make eye contact with King Zacharias, I suddenly remembered my place and dropped to one knee, slamming my right fist against my shoulder in the process. He cleared his throat.

"Guardians, you are dismissed," he said.

"Your Highness," Seth began, "all circumstances aside, we are required to be in your presence for such occasions."

The occasion being a stranger visiting from outside the castle. I bit my bottom lip and looked away. Though it was merely protocol, my heart still hurt to think about it. Had I made a mistake in coming back?

"I know what is required of you," the king replied, his baritone rumbling in my chest. "I also have the authority to override those requirements, and I elect to do so now. You are both relieved from your shift."

Seth clenched his jaw before nodding. The brothers turned and marched back out of the hall. Silence swarmed the gap between the king and I.

"Stand up, Apphia."

I did as ordered, but still refused to look at him. "Your Highness, I was told you requested my—"

"Look at me," he demanded gruffly.

Gulping, I slowly tilted my chin up. His obsidian orbs pierced straight through me, snatching my soul in behind his clenched fists. I struggled to breathe. What was wrong with me? Why could I just act around him like I did everyone else?

"You're thicker," he noted, eyes leaving mine only to scan my body.

My cheeks flushed at the odd remark, and I couldn't decide if I should be more angry or surprised. "I changed my diet," I murmured.

"Yes, I can tell." When I opened my mouth to demand what the purpose of this conversation was, he cut me off again. "I like it."

"Can we begin discussing the investigation?"

Rather than answer my question, Zacharias stepped closer to me and brushed the stray hairs from my braid away from my face. I clenched my teeth together to keep from sighing contentedly. His eyes were softened in—dare I say—affection.

"It is late, Apphia," he whispered huskily. "We will begin the investigation tomorrow."

"But people were killed from that boar today," I insisted. "Shouldn't be doing something now?"

"It can wait a few hours longer. You need to be rested."

My mouth bobbed open and closed until I decided what to say. "How did you find me?"

A small smile curled the left side of his mouth as he said, "I never lost you."

I stared wide-eyed at him. What did that even mean? He never lost me. Was he somehow keeping track of me? We were never supposed to see each other again. Why would he track me anyway? That was a ridiculous idea for me to assume. But...what did he mean then?

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"No...thank you." The words came hesitantly, unsure. It wasn't that I was hungry, it was that I couldn't possibly sustain an appetite given the circumstances.

"Then allow me to take you to your room."

His hand landed on the small of my back as he guided me towards the door on the opposite end of the hall where he had entered. My mind continued to race while we moved. I had so many questions.

"How long will I be here?" I asked, hopefully loud enough for him to hear.

"That has yet to be determined."

"Okay...will I get to see the Guardians?"

This question brought me mixed feelings. I knew Isaac and Seth would be hurt that I never said goodbye. Perhaps the need to apologize was nearly as influential as the need to embrace them. They had become the only family I had in the last few years, and, as much as I had tried to ignore it, I had missed them terribly.

"Once the investigation is over, you might," Zacharias told me. We were turning down another hall now that I recognized as the north wing of the castle. It was his personal wing. "I suspect you have some words to exchange with them."

I nodded solemnly.

We soon reached a pair of white french doors with gold handles. The colors contrasted the dark brown and red theme of the rest of the castle, so it really caught my attention. He grabbed one of the handles, pushed the door open, and extended his arm in invitation. I stepped through the door. It was a luxurious apartment with a bed, living area, and another door that likely led to a bathroom.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"Your guest room," he answered.

Turning back to him, my brows furrowed. "I can't stay here."

"Why not?" He folded his burly arms over his chest and leaned back against the door.

"Because...because I'm not a guest."

"Then what are you?"

My confused expression melted into one of frustration. I could never feel like a guest in this castle. It was my home but also the place where I had trained and fought and served my king. I could never be a guest here.

"I am assisting you on an investigation concerning the well-being of our entire kingdom," I said. "I don't know what that makes me, but it isn't a guest."

"So we're partners then, are we?" A sly smirk crossed his face, and it unnerved me. He looked too mischievous for any good.

"I suppose."

"Then you wouldn't mind taking a different room?"

I frowned. "Of course I wouldn't mind, Your Highness."

"In that case, why don't you take your belongings into my room?" he asked, pointing to the double french doors across the hall. "And it's just Zacharias to you."

Blood rushed to my fair skin. "Your room?"

"I wouldn't mind the company," he remarked, grin still in place.

"I-I think I would prefer to stay in this room, Your—I mean, Zacharias."

This time he chuckled. "I thought so. If you need anything, I will be in my room."

Biting my lip, I nodded. I couldn't believe we just had that conversation. He nodded finally at me before shifting off the wall and leaving. I quickly closed the door behind him and slid down it. Good God.

A King's GuardianWhere stories live. Discover now