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Isaac was completely and utterly inebriated. Seth kept having to pry him off the bar top, because the bartender continued to place various liquors before him. I knew tomorrow would be rough.

"We should go," I told Seth as we watched his brother attempt to flirt with a woman playing cards.

"We should," he agreed. He didn't move from his seat, though, and neither did I. "We still have half an hour until Samson is leaving."

"It will take nearly that long to get him out of this place. I'll see what I can do," I said.

His gaze followed, likely in amusement, as I abandoned my chair to fetch Isaac. At the moment, he was complimenting the woman's hair through slurred speech and odd hand gestures. I rolled my eyes.

"Isaac," I addressed him calmly.

When he ignored me, I grabbed his shoulder in a firm grip and jerked him back. His face took a moment to catch up to his feelings, and I soon saw the delayed look of annoyance and confusion.

"What?" he demanded. "Oh, it's you."

"Yes, it's me." My tone was clipped. I hated being the responsible one. "And I'm telling you it's time to go. Tell your new friends farewell."

"We just got here. Do not encroach on my fun simply because you are not having any."

I glared at him, earning a chuckle from him. Sometimes I just wanted to deck him in the head.

"See what I have to live with?" he asked the woman he'd been flirting with.

"This your wife?" she inquired.

"No way!" He shook his head. "I mean, just look at her."

Every muscle in my body tensed. His words replayed in my mind continuously. I knew he was drunk, but I also knew intoxication could make men unreasonably honest. My pride reeled in response to the blow. Did he really think me so repulsive?

The woman shook her head and turned back to her card game. Although I was torn between punching Isaac in the nose or dragging him out of his chair, I settled for a a stern glower instead. My ego loathed him for such a rude remark, but I couldn't storm off now. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if the idiot didn't make it back to the Estate tonight.

"Let's go," I ordered.

To my surprise, he teetered to his feet. He swayed unsteadily before taking a step towards me. I wrapped an arm around his waist, and he draped his arm around my shoulders. He reeked of alcohol and I wanted to get as far away as I could, but he needed help. Seth would likely have no qualm leaving his brother behind.

"You did it," the said brother spoke as he reached the table. "You got that stubborn drunk out of his seat. Good job, Apphia."

"Let's just get him back to the cart," I muttered.

We managed to walk him down the cobbled avenue to our rendezvous with the others. Due to the time, most of the Guardians were already there. Samson appeared just as the carts pulled up.

"Did you all enjoy your time?" he questioned, sounding as tired as I felt.

No one replied with exceptional enthusiasm, most either too tired or too sick. Naturally, Isaac saw this as his perfect opportunity to voice his opinions. I tightened my grip around his waist when I felt his muscles shift. Without a doubt, I could foresee was what about to happen.

"I did!" he shouted drunkenly. "I was having a great time until someone" —he shot me a glower— "decided to drag me out. Little prude."

My jaw clenched again. I tried not to let my heart take it personally, but it still stung to hear his insults. No one had insulted me in a long time.

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