Chapter 16

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*Trigger Warning*

Mitch's POV

I lay on the cold ground for what feels like forever and finally get up.
I walked around more, crying and screaming Scott's name.
But no reply.

It was now Tuesday.
I spent all day and night looking for him. But nothing...
I haven't slept.
I need sleep.
I can't see straight anymore.
I'm getting very dizzy...
I need Scott more... I keep walking.

My head drooping, my legs being dragged, my eyes almost closing, and my heart acing.

I scream as loud as I can, making my voice hurt and me cry harder.

I continue looking for him until I see something a few feet away from me, laying the ground and my heart sinks.

I run to the figure, and instantly panic.
It was Scott.
"S-Scott?!" ... my heart breaks and my eyes don't stop pouring out tears.
"S-Scott... s-Scotty... w-wake up..." I say, shaking him.

His face looks to be in pain and his hands were hidden in his hoodie.

I pull his arm out, and see blood.
My eyes widen as I pull down the sleeve to see cuts.

"S-... s-sco-Scotty..." I can't hold back the tears.
"P-please... p-please... w-wake up..." I say, shaking him more.

He's still breathing and the blood is dry. So he is going to be okay eventually... just... I need him to be okay now...

After 15 minutes of shaking him, he hasn't moved.
I search for my phone and realize that it's dead.

How am I going to call the ambulance?
How am I going to get Scott help?

I start panicking, leading myself into a panic attack.
I pace around and end up falling to my knees, screaming and sobbing.

Scott's POV

I herd a high pitcher scream, and it woke me up.
My arms were uncovered. How?
I sat up, to see Mitch behind me on his knees, screaming and crying.
I gasp and try to get up.
I'm not stable, so I stumble and almost fall on top of mitch. I'm manage to save myself and get behind mitch. I wrap my arms around him and hug him.
He jumps, and cries harder once he knows it's me.

He buries his face in his hands and keeps saying 'wh-why Scott?'

I-I don't even know...
I was lost... alone... depressed...

I tried to talk, but no words came out. It came out as slurs.

"I-... do-n..." I stutter.
Mitch looks up at me, with tears all down his face.
"C-can y-you t-talk r-right?" He asks.
"I-I... I-I d-d...o... k-kn..."
I can't...

I shake my head.
"Y-you n-need h-help..."
I shake my head, mitch nods.
He takes a few deep breaths, and wipes his tears away.
Still crying, he helps me stand up.
"W-walk to me..." he says.
I nod and take a few steps, then stumble over and fall.
I look up at mitch.
Mitch had his hands to his face.
Mitch was sobbing.
He didn't know what to do.
He didn't know what was wrong with me.
He didn't know how to help.
We were lost...

What do we do?

A/N: Updated!! Leave comments and vote!! Talk to y'all soon!!💗💗

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