Sweevil Means sweet and evil

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Joe P.O.V

    I stared at Perrie thinking that she is the prettiest person that will ever live. She let us in to the house and she told us that we could pick our rooms but may have to share. I bolted up stairs to pick the blue room with these awesome paintings. Sabrina walks in and looks at me clearly she wants theh same room.

    “So, room buddies?!” She asked in a high pitched voice. I walked over to her look at her hand. She copied my eyeball movements with her head.

    “Give me your hand," I said wanting to try something, she looked utterly confused. She did as I ask without a peep. I grab her pinkie finger and bend it back. She made this super high pitched sound which was soo funny I couldn’t breath. I laughed too hard until she ask, "What the hellz is wrong with you?” She said. I get up and whisper in her ear what it means. She looked at me funny and I couldn't help it I snorted.

    “I hate you.” She said. Soon Zandy and Kali walks in. An idea popped into my head that made me smile so evilly, the girls stared at me.

    “What is your plan to do to the boys?” Kali asked me like she knew. I told them the whole thing. This will be so funny. It will make them go nuts.

    “I’m going to get Perrie.” I snickered. I walked to Perrie’s room and stopped at her door before I knocked. It didn't take her long before she answered it. “Is something wrong?” She asked.

    “No, but I have a plan to get back the boy's for kidnapping me and they are going to pay," I said, "But I need your help and your permission.” I finished. 

Perrie nodded  her head and gave me her permission. I tell her the whole plan and she smiled, I said bye before I went to tell the girls.

"She's in," I smiled as I opened the door to my room. They high-fived each other before talking about how awesome this is going to be.

The plan is to act like we are on drugs or that we are just plain crazy. This will mildly confuse them.

I pranced out into the living room where everybody was, the girls followed me. I walked in and sat down next to Niall, “Everything okay?” He ask me. It was show time I nod at the girls, giving them the signal, "Everything is fine.” I answered his question.

The girl start to pretend to see floating cupcakes in the air. "FOOD!" Kali yelled and jumped into the air trying gto gra one of the 'cupcakes'. Niall looked at them at confusion. He open his mouth to say something but then he closed it again and walked away.

Perrie P.O.V

“Perrie! Perrie! Perrie! Perrie!” The girls sung, that was my Q. I throw myself onto my bed and covered my head in the pillows and screamed as loud as I could. Zayn comes in quickly, “Perrie?” He asked. I looked up from the pillow to see Zayn looking quite worried.

“The girls are so annoying!” I whined. Zayn looked me before mumbling something to himself, "I'll be right back," He sighs and walked out of the room. I sat quietly in my bed and listened to them, “Can you guys stop it! You are driving Perrie up a wall!” Zayn said harshly.

“No we aren’t!” Zandy said. I got out of bed and left the room to find Zayn. I walked next to his side, hugging him. He looks at me then glares at the girls.

“Is something wrong babe?” I said in a sweet voice trying not to laugh.

“I thought you said that they where driving you crazy?” Zayn said very confuse. I bat my eyelashes at him.

“You are so funny," I smiled, "I never said that, are you okay?” I said ‘worried’. He opened his mouth but doesn’t say anything. Instead he put his hand on his forehead and walk away. The girls and I stood there and smiled at each other. Zayn walks in the room telling the boys to watch me. Niall comes in to check on us.We all start to boggle like turkeys. Niall looked very confused before he turned around, yelling for Zayn.  We waited for them to come back as soon the two came back we talked normally.

“I swear they where talking like turkeys!” Niall said. Zayn looked at him he rolled his eyes and walked away leaving Niall. Once Zayn disappeared  we started to boggle like turkeys again.  Zayn must of heard because he came rushing in and we talked normally.

“Chicken is taking over the girls!” Niall scream. We stare at Zayn who was dumbfounded and stared at Niall like he was seeing things. Joe waves at him innocently he sighs and walks away.

Kali P.O.V

    “Liam!” I screamed after him. Liam bolted up to come see what we wanted. Once he walked through the door I started Joe started to talk about him. “Isn’t Liam a sweet guy?” Joe asked. I nodded my head in agreement. But Perrie pretended to disagree that he is a nice guy.

    “I don't think he's sweet," She started, "he seems to be mean and rude.” Then we all turned around pretending we didn’t see him. Joe waves at him.

“Hi Liam! We were just talking about you!” Sabrina said smiling happily.

"Well now if you don't mind," Liam looked disapointed, "I am going into my room now.” Liam walks away. I feel like we took it too far. Soon Harry comes in angry and stands infront of us. Shit.


    Sabrina P.O.V

I stared at Harry before I pointed behind him. “Look!" I yelled and jumped up from the couch." Butterflies in the living room!" I yelled the first thing that came to my mind. "WEEE!” I ran out the room and shoved Harry out of the way. Harry chased after me, I wasn't sure where I was going. I ended up in Kali’s room.

I shut myself in the closet and sat in pure darkness. I smiled he will never find me!

After three minutes Harry opens the closet door laughing. I take that back. Why is he laughing though.

“What?" I asked. "I’m confused? Why are you laughing? Did you kill Zandy? Why are you here? Close the Door!” I babble on.  He picks me up and brought me into the bright light. “Gaaah! The light it burns!” I yelled as my eyes adjusted to the light change. Harry puts me down on the bed as I covered my eyes. He pulls my hands away and stares into my eyes. Creep. Then leans in and kisses me.



Srry Short Chappie! But it is not my fault. It was the NinjaQueen’s fault, she won’t stop pressuring me! Yes, I know her in real life. Right now she is sticking toilet paper to her arm, why? I don’t know why, Wait! She is showing me zombie affects. She says Hi to you


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