I will always be your friend

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  • Dedicated to 626rice, aminal_cookie, and the ninja_queen

Sabrina P.O.V

I Look outside of the plane when we waited for the rest of the people came on. Zandy and Kali didn't talk to each other, not a peep. I felt bad and worried for Joe. I never fought with her. Soon I see a devil and an angel on my shoulders.

"She fine. She can deal this on her own." Devil me said.

"She needs you Sabrina." Angel me said.

"Stop talking to me!" Me Me said. Zandy and Kali look at me strange. I realized I need to go back. Kali and Zandy stare at me for me to say something.

"We are going back!" I get up. Kali and Zandy smiled brightly. we grab our bags and bolt to the door. people were coming in so i shoved them out of my way.

"Get outta my way!" I said. We finally get off and sprint into the airport. I  called Joe. Except it went to strait voice mail. That wasn't normal. Soon I get a random call from a number, but I answer it anyway.

"Is this Sabrina?" I hear Perri in a panic.

"Perri? What's wrong?" I said trying to be calm.

"It has been two hours since Joe went missing and she hasn't come back. The boys went to find her, but didn't see her at all." Perri was about to cry. This wasn't normal. Joe would be gone in thirty minutes not two hours Something was really wrong.

"Okay. Have Zayn pick us up." I said. I hang up until I hear.

"Hey! They were with one direction. Get Them!!!!!" A girl in a oneD t-shirt.  Well.... Crap! I sprint out of the door with Zandy and Kali. A mob of mad girls came after us with pocket knives. I didn't think girls carry pocket knives these days. We kept running while the girls scream and chase us. Soon I see Zayn Pull up. I jump in pulling Kali in. Zandy jumped in. I slam the door shut and Zayn took off.

"Took you long enough." I buckle myself in. Zayn shrug concentrating on the road. I start looking for Joe, maybe she was okay. She just lost her way. I decide to call the cops. I pull out my phone calling them.

"Yes I like to report a missing person. Her name is Joetta Parker....... Short, long blue hair with blonde on top of her head, Piercing on top of her lip.....thanks." I hang up.

"Cops are finding her now." I bite my lip. We make it back to the house and sit there.... waiting. no one talk, not even a peep came out. I stare into Harry's eye as he stare at me. Soon my angel and devil popped up.

"why are you slumping? You should look for her too!" Angel me said.

"There is a reason why is is the cops job." Devil me said. I just sigh.

"Okay, hear me out Sabrina. Why would you let only the cops do it. Joe is your friend!" Angel me said. Like I didn't know that. Soon I get a call. I take it immediately. All eyes went on me.

"Hello?.... YOU FOUND HER!?!?!?........what?......Ok." I hang up in sadness. I get up and grab the keys and throw them at Niall.

"Every one in the car!" I said. One by one every one went in the car crammed up like a car full of clowns.

"Go to the hospital! Step on it!"  I yell at Niall. He steps on the gas and we went to the hospital. We drove running into every red light we saw. I growl in frustration. Finally we make it. I jumped out and went through the doors.

"Where is Joetta Parker." I said. The women had a bob hair cut. She looked snooty and pointed down the hall. I fast walk to look through every door. Soon I see Joe Sleeping. I run up to her see bruises and cuts. I hear footsteps come to abrupt stop. Slowly they walk up to see what I saw. her wrist was in a cast. She laid there looking like she was dead. Pale

"Joe?" Is all I could manage. Joe groan loudly and slowly open her eyes.

"For someone like you, You sure as hell could've got killed if you were with me." She mumbled loud enough to hear me. She smiled as tears came down her face.

"Joe what happen." Niall ask.


Joe P.O.V -----three hours ago----

"Stop it!" I said pushing the dude away. I tried to run but the guy I kick  grabbed my ankle. I fell and bash my wrist on the curve. I scream in pain while I held my wrist. The two guys walked to me and started to beat me.

"Give us your money!" One man said.

"I am broke as a little kid!" I said. The other man punch my stomach. I curled up. The two guys check my pockets.

"She's right. She has no money." One man said.

"Darn. Let's dump her in an alley." I was picked up and got stuff in a bag. Soon I dumped some were in an alley. I started to cry trying to breath

"Help!" I Yelled. I kept yelling until someone open the bag. There was a bunch of cops and an ambulance.

"Are you Joetta Parker?" A woman officer said. I slowly shook my head. Soon I was put into the ambulance. Things went blinding and I start see the light.

"Were losing her!" Someone said. Things went pitch black. I was sure I was dead.

----------Present day---------

"I wasn't ready to die." I finish my story. Everyone looked sad and looked away.

"You should be at least happy! I didn't die!" I smiled. Even decide to laugh and we had a group hug. I smile happily. Soon A song popped on. My favorite song by bruno mars. I smiled and started to sing

"If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea, I'll sailed the world.... To find you."

Sabrina joined me and sang the next verse

"If you ever find yourself in the dark and you can't see, I'll be the light... to guide you,."

Then we both sang.

"Find out we're made of, what were called to help out friends in need."

Zandy and Kali pitch in. Then we all sang.

"You can count on me like 1,2,3 and I'll be there, And I know when I can count on you like 4,3,2 and you'll be there. And that is what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah.... Ooh, Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.... Ooh, Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah.... If you toss and turn and you can't sleep, I'll sing a song, beside you. If you ever forget how much you mean to me... everyday I will, remind you Find out we're made of, what were called to help out friends in need.You can count on me like 1,2,3 and I'll be there, And I know when I can count on you like 4,3,2 and you'll be there. And that is what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah.... Ooh, Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.... Ooh, Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah, yeah. And I'll always have my shoulder when you cry....I'll never let you go, never say goodbye...You can count on me like 1,2,3 and I'll be there, And I know when I can count on you like 4,3,2 and you'll be there. And that is what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah.... Ooh, Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.... Ooh, Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, You can count on me cause I can count on you."


Srry. It was short, but I just want to say, this is how much my friends mean to me. Sure we get into fights once in a while, but I love them as much they love me. Comment what you like about your friends below. I know we all have that one friend who is ther and we can count them.


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