Rain Rain

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Kali P.O.V

I look outside to see a rain storm rushing and quaking right before my window. I glare outside groaning. I honestly didn't want to stay in a stuffy house forever, but I have been in one for the past three days. Being hunted down really sucks.

"I want to play a game!" I yell from the kitchen. I wander into the living room seeing Sabrina and Harry cuddle up together all nice and cozy. They must of not hear me. I walk over pretending I was just doing my own thing until I got into their faces making them jump.

"Kali!" Sabrina punches me. I laugh and decided to poke her just to annoy her. She growls in annoyance.

"Kali. I swear!" She lifted her fist getting close to my face. I rolled my eyes.

"But I am bored!!!" I fall to the ground.

"You sound like Joe." Sabrina said going back to her show. I get of looking outside again. Joe walks in a shock impression. I titled my head looking at her.

"Our life is gone." She plop on the couch. Sabrina pause the movie and Harry shifted his body. I lean in to hear. Joe's eyes became glossy and her lip quiver.

"Zayn told me I am ginning to meet them soon." With thy she.she runs out of the room with tears spilling and a sniffling nose trailed her way.

"She is horrified." Harry said. Sabrina and I turn to him. I raise and eyebrow.

"Well no dur!" I Sabrina said chasing after Joe. She went out side in the pouring rain. She was crying and sobbing trying to catch her breath.

"Joe!" Sabrina run up to her hugging her tightly. I stood by the window hearing their conversation. SHe shivered and tremble.

"I know who it is."

Zandy P.O.V

I hang with Mary and we joked about life. The ups and downs and her falling onto a rock and getting stitches.

"You should never jump on trampolines when they are old!" I said being sarcastic. Mary laugh.

"Your friends seem to be good friends." She said, her expression became more calm like. I sigh looking out the window.

"Yeah. Thy are great but we weren't always like this. If you were here a week ago Sabrina and Joe got in a fight." I laugh a little thinking how stupid it was. Then though about everything else that rose me into anger.

"And that led you to the..." Mary didn't want to say it. I nodded knowing what she had meant. Her head bowed down looking a little bit glum.

"I'm sorry I cause trouble. I want to talk to Joe but, she hates me." I rolled my eyes.

"Joe is Joe, she will come around. She hasn't had a good life lately." I said. Mary rose her head and tilt it sideways.

"Is there more than the fan apocalypse?" I nodded. Mary looked away quickly the coming back to me.

"Feed me." She said. I laugh getting up. The memories when I was at the lagoon were crazy.

------some few years ago. I can't remember----

"May? Dead?" I said speechless. Joe just sob violently. She curled into a ball on the bed repeating what a man told her over the phone.

"Joe." Kali went to reach her but she push away. Joe gets up in a stress panic look.

"I can't be here Any more! I can hurt anyone!" She said. Sabrina walks up giving her a huge hug.

"It wasn't your fault. It wasn't J." Sabrina said. There were tears in all of our eyes.

"Remember the nickname you gave me?" Sabrina said.

"Ninja! W-w-we were I-I-in second grade!" Joe cried harder.

----we got back home-----

"Mom she needs to see a physiologist!" I said slamming my fist onto the table.

"She isn't mine though." She said.

"Well mr and mrs. Parker pick you to be their guardian!" I said. I herd I little squeak. I whip my head seeing Joe standing there face all red.


--------back to life----

Joe P.O.V

"Who!?!" I said. She looked at me.

"And can't tell you, she kill you all." She looked away. I shook her.

"Joetta Parker! You better fucking tell me and we can get through this together!" She sook me. I stop crying but shook violently.

"She is evil and cruel and can kill you in one breath, she has been wanted in America for countless murders and theft." Is all she said.

"Joe! You aren't helping us!" Sabrina said.

"The only way you are going to help is too stay out of this? This is not your fight," I got up and start walking back to the house. Sabrina grabbed my shoulder and turn me around.

"You can't do this alone!" Joe looked at me.

"You know how my sister died right!?" Joe snapped. I slowly nod

"No! You don't! She was wanted by the same person! The same god damn person! Black mails flew in and they wanted me out of this! Never told me, and guess what the all died! There was no draft! They were killed by her, and she called me with the fucking British man voice telling me my family is dead." Joe looked at me.

"What am I suppose to do?" I said.

"Be my best ninja friend ever. Ninja." She smiled. I probably looked very lifeless like almost a zombie type of dead but i rap her hands into a tight hug. The pouring rain got lighter as I started crying.

"I will be Ninja friend J" Ninja said. I laughed a little. She made a weird stance.

"Not a ninja but I can kick ass." Step managing to slip falling onto the wet muddy grass.

"Great! My pants are dirty!" I
Said. We'll screw it. I start rolling in it as ninja laugh.

"J!" Sabrina joins me as we start to wrestle. I threw mud at her hair causing her put some in mine.

"What are you doing?" I hear Niall. Behind us. I turn around seeing him stand there getting wet from the rain.

"In America life. We have losers. Those losers are us, and if are gonna acted like Americans, then we are going to wrestle in mud like hill billies." Sabrina said making me laugh.

"Want a kiss!" I tease getting up."

"I am going to pass on that one." I ignore him and kiss him on the cheek.

"Eeew!" He said. I laugh hugging him getting more mud. He laugh hugging me back.

"Now you are grossing me out! I am washing up." Sabrina said walking over to the hose. Niall and I walked over to wash off too.

"Aww. You should go out!" Sabrina whisper in my ear before spraying me. I turn in circles cleaning off the mud. Niall does the same thing but complain about how could it was.

"My turn!" Ninja said giving me the hose. I spry her giving her the people wash. That should be a store.

"Joe!" I hear Zyan . I turn around seeing him telling me to come inside. I give Niall the hose running to Zyan. I walk inside seeing Zandy and Mart standing there staring at me.

"Why are you starring at me?" I said very confuse. Zyan looks at me with a lost souls in his eyes.

"She wants to see you in two days."


Sorry haven't updated recently but I have been all over the place recently so yep! Thank you for being so patient with me!

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